i have horrific PMS (it seems to be getting worse as i get older. it never used to bother me, and now i pretty much leave civility behind for a week), so i drank some hot chocolate--cocahuatl-- in the style of the mayans, because i'm vain and didn't want the calories involved in europeanized cocoa, so now my tummy hurts and i feel even more bitchy.
I spent a lot of last night not quite knowing where, who or what I was. I think I whimpered a lot too. Scary things kept coming to visit me
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I'm not sick anymore. It feels so good to eat food again!! Last night I dreamed that I managed to piss off everyone I love about as thoroughly as they could be pissed at me. It was scary.
tornado sirens are going off, and i really hope it is because it is noon on tuesday, because i can't turn my head to look out the window
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