Okay, first off, I thought you were far more mature than this. I knew it would hurt you, but to just cut off all ties with me and say we can't be friends because you'll be too jealous and bitter? Fuck. You. Grow the fuck up. You always talk about your exes, IN DETAIL. Another thing, a week after you told me you liked me you're like "I gave the cute guy at the video store my number!". WOW, I FEEL REALLY SPECIAL. You should have seen this coming, you're so naive. Or maybe you just thought no one could ever match up to what you do? It doesn't matter. I like her WAY more than I like you, I trust her way more than I trust you, and I would, and obviously did, take her over you in a heartbeat. Get the fuck over it. Maybe if you stop being such a fucking whore you'll have a relationship. I am so over you (and have been for a while) it's ridiculous.
And YOU. Look, I realize your daddy lets you do whatever the fuck you want, but I don't give a shit. You need to take responsibility for the things you do. All you do all day is whine about the things that you want and then pitch a fucking fit when your mother doesn't get them for you. THE WORLD DOESN'T REVOLVE AROUND YOU, YOU SPOILED PIECE OF SHIT. If someone doesn't do something your way, it doesn't mean it's wrong. Seriously. I realize it's petty, but I just spent over an hour cleaning and organizing that cabinet. Just because the dog food isn't on the right shelf is no reason to freak out. "MY MOM IS GOING TO COME IN AND CHANGE SO MUCH STUFF AND I'M GOING TO BE LIKE I TOLD YOU SO." Way to prove your maturity you little bitch. Well fuck you. Let your mommy come in and change whatever she wants. I don't care. But I want to leave it the way it is, I have things organized in a certain pattern, so it doesn't make sense to have potpourri on the shelf that has all of the nutrisystem bullshit on it, does it? No. I DON'T FUCKING CARE. YOUR MOM ASKED ME TO DO IT, I DID IT. You're lucky I went out back and pulled a muscle throwing those rocks, otherwise I would have probably punched your face in.