name: cassidy
age: 16
location: florida
sexual preferance: female
taken?: nope...
race/nationality: WHITE. german/irish
favorite bands: as i lay dying, throwdown..
favorite book: the perfect spiral, the virgin suicides
favorite food: salad.
((no one-word answers))
bush: dont like him.
the war: its alright.. i suppose
straight edge: dont bother me..
religion: be who you are.
abortion: TOTALLY AGAINST IT 100%
veganism: not for me.
sex: its alright..depends..
rating communitys: interesting to know how others feel about you and your "style" or just the way you look.. mm hmm.. i like em. i like em alot..
downloading music: dont do it. i buy my cd's.. mm hmm.
the patriot act: not sure..
racism: sometimes.
vanity((the album)): mehh..
what do you think about the scene: dont like it.
what can you do to improve the scene:kick away all the scensters who just sit arond and smoke .. meh
pick a word_____ why did you pick that word: pink... its my fave color..
would you rather burn or freeze to death? why?: freeze.. because i'd like my body to be the exact same way as when i'd die ya know? so my family or whatever can see my FACIAL expressions i made durring the freeeze.
rap?: haha. its fun to listen to with your homies?
eat or lick? why?: eat because your hungry.
fast or slow? why?: fast.. so you get there quicker.
bitch or ho?why? bitch cuz its funner to say :)
what do you think about IX CORE?: no feelings what so ever.
what can you do for us? be as hard as you want
do you judge people only on looks? sometimes
are you an asshole? ((be honest)): i can be.
anything else we should know? i like it. i like it alot.
yep. and im out.