name: Hilda
age: 18
location: Rancho Cucamonga, Calif.
sexual preferance: Straight
taken?: sure am. my boyfriend is the king of the ballerina mosh.
race/nationality: I'm 100% cuban
favorite bands: ZAO, Walls Of Jericho, Hatebreed, BANE, Strife, Earth Crisis, Park, Gorgoroth, 7 Angels 7 Plagues, Slayer, Youth Of Today, Blackheart Eulogy.
favorite book: Gone With the Wind.
favorite food: I love Indian food. Or Asian food.
bush: Honestly I like him. I so many people have a negative opinion of him, but I've realized the majority of the kids from the ages of 15-25 will hate who ever holds the presidential office, just because it's the government.
the war: Since I was born in a communist country I'm all for taking down dictators. So I don't really think the war was wrong.
straight edge: I'm straight edge. But it's not for everyone. It's a personal choice, not something to be achived. Everyone has their own definitions for it, it's not something to do because all the cool kids are doing it.
religion: I believe in a "God" but I think religion is just something that tries to regulate by rules. I think religion is pointless you can have faith without following a specific religion.
abortion: It's a womans choice. Her body, I don't think anyone should tell her what she can do with it; you never know what the case is for the abortion. There are too many kids in foster care anyway.
veganism: I respect people who are vegan. But it's not right for me, I love cow.
sex: It feels good. If they are mature enough to have sex then it's their own choice they can do whatever they want. They should just becareful.
rating communitys: I love em! I'm in
nonuglyhardcore. I'm a rating community WHORE.
downloading music: It's amazing! I love it. Although I do believe in going out & buying CD for bands that you are going to go see at shows because they need the money.
the patriot act: I think it's a good thing, we should punish people who are trying to harm the citizens of our country.
racism: It sucks because there are so many different forms of racism now, that it's hard to know what is really racism and what isn't.
vanity((the album)): It was what began the downfall of 18V.
what do you think about the scene: I love it!! But I hate the kids who are in it, and destroying it. It's pretty sad I remember when it used to be about family.
what can you do to improve the scene: Just keep it positive, and try to keep it to it's true roots.
pick a word_____ why did you pick that word: word: rawr. reason: well I'm not really sure if it's a word, but I just felt like saying rawr.
would you rather burn or freeze to death? why?: Burn. I think it would be quicker. But then again freezing does have it's advantages because after a while you will just go numb & sort of like fall asleep.
rap?: It's fun at times. But I wouldn't be able to listen to it all the time.
eat or lick? why?: Well it depends what I'm eating/licking... if it's ice cream then I'll lick.
fast or slow? why?: Again depends on what it concerns... I usually like everything fast though. ;-)
bitch or ho? why? bitch.. I don't like hoes. And I'm a bitch.
what do you think about IX CORE?: anything that you put infront of core is stupid, unless it's hard.
what can you do for us? I can promote. I'm really harsh with people when it's needed, I can say no to someone without a thought. And I'll bake you some really gnarly cookies. :-D
do you judge people only on looks? Not soley, I usually judge them on how they look, what bands they listen to, and how they dress.
are you an asshole? ((be honest)): Sadly I am. But only sometimes & to people who make me mad. Otherwise I'd really nice.
anything else we should know? Umm I've broken my nose dancing 5 times. I bring the bambi mosh. I DON'T try to push my straight edge beliefs on anyone, but I am VERY proud of myself for being edge.. and umm I drive a station wagon with a ZAO, Earth Crisis, Strife, and Throwdown sticker on the back. :-D