Sabbat Questions

Dec 22, 2011 13:25

I have a few questions which are probably the most stupidest and obvious questions of ever, but bear with me please!

Every time a sabbat rolls around I get confused on the date. It's because I know the Celts viewed the day as beginning at sundown (so, for example, Friday will begin at sundown tonight), and I'm wondering if that's how the calendars list them? Let me put it this way. Say the Calendar says Jun 21st is the Summer Solstice. Does that mean it begins on Jun 21st and then goes through the 22nd? Or is it just Jun 21st by itself?

The other question is, is Imbolc celebrated on Feb 1 or 2? I've seen them both listed so many times, but I'm wondering specifically when the Celts celebrated as I'm wanting to keep my path as Celtic as possible, though I'm not a Celtic Reconstructionist :P
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