for clearity
good and evil should perhaps be clearified
following thought perhaps enabled from experience with knowledge of wholey and clean
-my concept of good
-others concept of good
-my concept of evil
-others concept of evil
my concept of good
-any going according to how I want any to go or going according to how I would want any to go
-seembeneficial (perhaps)
others concept of good
-any going according to how they want any to go or going according to how they would want any to go
-to adopt their concept is to give up your concept
-to adopt their concept is essentially to "be theirs"
my concept of evil
-is not beneficial so should be undefined and clean
others concept of evil
-probably not beneficial
-their concept of evil is not necessarily the same as mine
-with regard to good their concept could perhaps be implemented for separation
-many perhaps can be classified into someones concept of evil
-technically concept of evil is relative (because it is concept)
Possible mixing good and evil
-someone has concept of good and evil
-their concept of good perhaps has to do with way they believe all should be
-their concept of good perhaps is based on their value, belief, and goal
-their concept of evil perhaps has to do with certain they want to be separated from
-people who fill their soul with the concept of good and evil (with the tree of knowledge of good and evil) see all in terms of good or evil
-if you are not in their concept of good then you are perhaps in their concept of evil
-you fit into someones concept of evil
-to be accepted by them you must adopt their concept of good
-to be accepted by them you must essentially align your soul to them
-to be accepted by them you must essentially acquire their value, belief, and goal
-evil from tree of knowledge of good and evil seemingly is unable to exist without good
-if you are without a concept of way all should be then you are without a concept of certain to be separate from
-technically (as a result of the tree) you are good and all else are partially evil or you are evil and all else are mixed
-therefore seemingly unless you accept you are evil you wont have much life unless many others share same value, belief, goal as you
-seemingly if you accept you are evil and others accept you being evil you can potentially have much life
evil should seemingly be defined with regard to other than good
defining evil with regard to good seem not beneficial
defining good with regard to evil perhaps not beneficial
concept of good can exist without evil given ignorance and ability to ignore
perhaps quick way to life is evil and short
perhaps slow way to life is good and lasting
i perhaps will clean the entry and or concept of evil at another duration