for clearity
to an extent
bible is a creation
creation seemingly represent creator of the creation
'creative character' of bible is defined as creating garden of eden
if bible represent 'creative character' of bible then bible would represent garden of eden
garden of eden probably consist of abundant life, vibrant, colorful, lush, edible fruit, probably love as well
bible represents other than those
thus bible represent character other than 'creative character' of bible
'creative character' and 'not straight foreword character' both claim the other is being other than straight foreword
such is other than straight foreword situation and represent other than straight forewordness
situation represent 'not straight foreword character'
'creative character' is defined as most correct perhaps for bible to be seen as representing 'creative character'
bible seemingly represent 'not straight foreword character' most though
bible represent tree of bible to be denyed and rejected
bible does other than state it represents tree reader should deny and reject
reading bible does not allow for denying and rejecting tree of bible
bible is other than straight foreword
bible represent 'not straight foreword character'
statement of bible representing creator of bible as 'creative character'
given bible represent tree to be denyed and rejected
bible is not straight foreword and represent 'not straight foreword character'
statement representing 'creative character' perhaps cause reader to believe bible represent 'creative character'
thus there is not straight forewordness
without statement of 'creative character' bible would probably be without not straight forewordness
thus statements of 'creative character' represent not straight forewordness
thus 'creative character' represent 'not straight foreword character'
bible represent 'not straight foreword character' (to an extent)
To put together simpley:
creation representing 'creative character' would be without 'not straight foreword character' and would be as garden of eden
creation representing 'not straight foreword character' would require 'creative character' for creation to be not straight foreword
bible represent 'not straight foreword character' (to an extent)