"People who whine about site Policies."
Listen. I don't care if the site in question makes a site rule that people can't handle handles with the letter "E" in their handles. If you don't own the site then you get no right to gripe about the site owner's rules. It is really that simple. You do not come to someone else's house than whine and bitch at them for their customs. Guess what, even if you don't like taking your shoes off... the entire Japanese culture isn't going to change their rules for -you-.
You do not control someone else's home or in this case their website. So stop trying. If you do not like the rules they have. GO TO ANOTHER WEBSITE.
Let me explain this in simple terms. I had a girlfriend, she was a smoker. My friend Tony's and his wife had just had a baby. So randomly, after 10 years of us doing gatherings at his house once a month? Blammo. No smoking allowed. Well we'd been going there 15 years. My girlfriend was there first damnit! But hey, guess what? NO SMOKING IN THE HOUSE! And my girlfriend conviently lost her imaginary 'rights to run the roost.' Now her choices were... "Follow the rules, since I don't own the house" or "I can't go without a smoke, so let's get everyone to go to the bar, or come here instead?"
Now. This kernel of wisdom? It applies completely to websites. If you don't like Roo's rules? Go elsewhere. Don't like AP's rules? Go elsewhere. Don't like Cliff's rules? Go elsehwere. Don't like Donna's rules? Whine about it constantly while still playing there like a hypocritical snot. Oh. Wait, that's not right.... Go Elsewhere.
If you think I'm wrong here? That's cool too, BUT don't bitch to -me-. You see. This happens to be -my- journal, and one of my rules is.. if you don't like what I'm saying your choice is to piss up a rope or go to a different page. My opinion on this isn't changing.