I've applied for a childcare apprenticeship. If I got it I'd be doing every Thursday at the Majura Early Childhood Centre, plus three hours of training at a CIT-type place. I handed in an application on Thursday, and I was pretty happy with it, so I think I have a reasonable chance of at least an interview - hopefully I'll get a call sometime next week, and if not I suppose I'll start jobhunting again with my new, nicer resumé. I really hope I do get the apprenticeship, though, it looked so perfect for me.
Must go to bed soon, we're going on a mothers' day walk to raise money for breast cancer tomorrow morning, and I promised I'd be ready to go at 8:30, and I'm sleep-deprived as it is. In the meantime, though, I'm starving, and it'd be really nice to catch up with my f-list for the first time in weeks.
So, tomorrow morning, we're going on this walk for breast cancer, then meeting Caroline and the Gardiners for lunch at the Botanical Gardens for Mum's birthday. I need to fit in my Anthropology research file somewhere as well, and I think I'll need to go to the library for it, and the library closes early on Sundays... hmmmmmm. We'll see how this goes. I seem to have fallen off the wagon lately with getting things in on time; it was looking like I might actually manage a whole semester of work in on time, but I handed in my English essay four days late recently and haven't really made much of an effort since.
I had a great breakfast today. Baked beans (with chickpeas and a tomato-herb sauce) on sourdough toast, a rice milk/soy yoghurt berry smoothie (I've decided I like rice milk after all), a slice of orange and almond cake, and a few forkfuls of berries stolen from my parents' plates. It looks like a lot of food (and I suppose it was), but it was all sooo good. That was from the organic place at the Belconnen markets, which I highly recommend - not only is the food good, but I have a sneaking suspicion that they put the Vegan Big Breakfast on the menu just for me - it certainly wasn't on there when I first started going in every weekend asking them to adapt the vegetarian one for me, and now it is. They have an amazing range of (organic, mostly fair trade) vegan chocolate, too, and wonderful soy ice cream... oops, am I scaring off all you non-vegans here? Sorry. :P Go and check it out, all you Canberrans! (I'm even going to go and pimp it at
canberra_vego, which quite a few of you need to join.)
I also talked to James today... actually talked, not this co-angsting we'd been doing. It was lovely.