For those of you who play Brujah in the Cam, hell or just play in the Cam, doesnt matter what clan. And you don't play Sabbat. Or arent a Coord/Subcoord who knows about this stuff, or like Dale, who cheats and has talked to the coord/subcoords about this stuff
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Comments 46
But with how Brazil sticks to things, I'd give ya that knowing the history down there as a "Notable".
:) I have not bought up her lore yet. And I am attepting to make it a rule that I ONLY know things IC or not at all. Because I am absentminded and don't want to risk accidental metagaming ;)
The only "important" Sabbat that I've heard of is Victoria Bishop (Sabbat bishop) who was killed 2 years ago. The other Bishops were given color code names (i.e. White Bishop for the Salubri Anti, Red Bishop for the Brujah one, and Black Bishop for the Lasombra)... the current staff of the TC game may or may not have info on this ... the "Retaking of Minneapolis" plot was done several ST's ago.
The only other "important" Sabbat she's heard of are Loki (Koldun), Archer (Lasombra Priscus), and Tabara (Koldun Bishop in Fargo - killed)
Kyle Strathcona, Cardinal of Canada, Ventrue
Owen Dalton, Dominion of the Black Hand, Abortion Upon Mankind
Galbraith, Regent of the Sabbat, Toreador
Mercy, Inquistor, Ventrue
That Crazy Malkavian 4th or 5th gen thats a Seraph of the Black Hand and Killed those guys that went to Mexico City.
The rest I'm not sure that you use.
IC: Just the first two.
Reply hurts.
"A little investigation later, and it wasn't hard to confirm that the old Ventrue Prince up there of the same name switched sects. Quite a scandal, you know."
I think you read someone else's background. Bit braindead this morning, but fairly sure he just got everyone killed, was not actually prince.
Knowing he is a traitor to the cam is iffy tho - I should prolly ask Lucas on his opinion if the Ventrue covered that shit up or if the cam knows.
Zeke warfield - don't knwo for sure what clan he is.
Beneditction - Dead. ventrue
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