Manly Dale had an EXCELLENT suggestion

May 20, 2007 12:44

Cardboard cutouts of people and stuff to prop for Blood Feast.

So, if anyone is hittin kubla car wise, and has some, drop a line. The search begins. For that.



Candles - Check, always could use more.

Skulls and creepy shit and lighting - Sorta check, but if anyone has something neat in the way of plug in lighting, like dark x-mas lights and stuff, drop a line.

Vaulderie cup - Check.

2-6pm - Check. From the looks of the schedule I can get in early to decorate.

Blood bath - ????

Bring Stereo for music. Need to find some more classical music outside of Third Eye Open.

Blood Feast: Cardboard cutouts: Need. Blood: Hawaiian Punch Baby.

Still need some more people to portray NPCs. Even if its pack leaders for packs of people who dont know sabbat well.
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