Feb 13, 2007 21:24
[21:19] *** MalkDad has left the chat.
[21:19] Eadar1: Ok Cory's compy is bad
[21:19] *** ClarityJohnstone has left the chat.
[21:20] Eadar1: Cause nobody love me....
Feb 02, 2007 13:52
I'm still waiting to see on the news:
"Were sorry. Nobody ever thought officials and the media was that fucking stupid in Boston."
Dec 21, 2006 18:05
Able to keep food down, feeling a bit more enegetic...ugh. This blew, I think I slept 36 of the last 48 hours.
Dec 18, 2006 23:19
1 question.
1 chance.
1 answer.
100% honest.
That's all you get.
You get to ask me 1 question.
ANY 1 question
Conditions: I won't tell ANYONE what you asked me and I'll answer it honestly.
The catch is,
you have to repost this
and see what people ask you.
All questions and answers will be screened.
Dec 13, 2006 13:45
I just realized I'm effin wired cause I've had 6 Mountain Dew. Look out lists....beepbobeepbbeeeep
Dec 12, 2006 10:04
I love this effing Org. Some of the coolest stories, people that play, stuff to do, responsive people in the world. As much work as coording is, I'm excited and happy to be a part of it. This is by far the best (and cheapest I think) hobby I've ever done.
Dec 11, 2006 09:40
Today is the Texan's Birthday.
He is older than me.
Happy b day.