This summer really hasnt been anything special- i guess my mind hasnt been the most possitive. But i went up to my cabin for a week and ended up staying an extral 2- so i was gone in a place where i would love to live and then i came home to this life here i have to live-
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Up north stories and pictures (i didnt size them...)
Ben and Jc taking a cast on the boat
The sunset that night
my awesome cousin Jake that lives in Chicago
Later that week- Sara (bens exgf and friends)
My dad Ben and Sara at the mouth of the Brule
same place
Went to Wisconsins biggest waterfall or one of.
The fire tower thats back by my cabin. Sees over like everything u can see all the lakes and what not
OK so- i met this guy up there. I always remember him when i would come up other years as the cute boy at IGA. And i saw him ouside of the store and we just started talking. He is an awesome guy... and we hung out alot- like veryday. It turned out he was a Sheriff reserve and worked in this corectional institute in deluth and hes only 19. so that made the desion to stay up an extra 2 weeks much easyer. We ment up, climed the fire tower and watched the sun set-
he never would smile with hihs teeth, they are just like Bens with a cute gap. but this is un on top of the world. oh i didnt mention how the boy i mets name was Justin and he was like 6 foot 6 and like 250 or somehting- just huige and strong.
There was a little bible stuck up on the top of the fire town and then some scratched 420 on the rale, i thought it was a cool picture
just in the car taking me home from the drive up A&W stand
We went to another falls and i had to take this picture of the random guy on the beach... thought it was damn funny.
Later in that week when my parents left and i stayed up with my aunt and there old nextboor neighbors- (3 boys) for a week then they would leave and my uncles brother and three sons came up and step sister. But anyway Justin and i went to Deluth for a day and thats him... when he did expect it :-)
somelife house in Deluth
thats my cabin town
My puppy Oulu
We have 4 eagles on our lake and we chat like 15in northers and throw them to the birds- this is one coming down to eat it
Mom and dad eales in the tree
My cousin Tori and Jakes back
Ryan, my cousins old neighbor- now lives in Texas,17 yrd Junior
Sitting by the fire with everyone
My mom and dad on the boat
The crew of the three neighbor boys parents and my cousin took a fairy from Bayfield to Madelin Island to jump off the rock walls into the lake. It was awesome i just took some cool pictures of it
My cousin Kory and I
Then those three boys left back to Texas and then my Uncle johns brother wife and kids came. They had two jet skis and a nice fast fishing boat. I cought a 27in 4lb Northern, big fish for me i was happy.
My uncle John and his Delishus bass. 5lbs 21in
Kevin, 17 Senior... really hot and nice body- we got along well
he caught a northern
kevins step brother Nick and he real brother Kyle to the left. Taking th boat out for a strole at midnight.
Kev and his step sister
Nick and i spent all day fishing and we both got burnt. But it was really nice hes a really cool guy.
Thats it- i miss justin we still talk like everyday but hes been working alot and i guess he is taking S.W.A.T. classes... crazy i say