This is why I love my business. Now, I'm not one of these people yet, and perhaps never will be, but truly, how wonderful that this is a job! That you can be paid to be passionate and smart about books, even if the money is peanuts. I just love the field so much.
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Feb 17, 2009 17:10
Doh--I screwed around at work too much today and have to stay a bit late to take care of neglected work, so I don't have time to go to the gym before meeting my old college roommate for dinner and then heading to the opera. I can go tomorrow and Thursday, at least.
Feb 04, 2009 23:00
It is a bad idea for me to browse travel websites like bootsnall.
Feb 04, 2009 22:46
One day I want to travel on an around the world ticket. And I want the trip to be long, long, long.
Update: I just entered an absurd itinerary and got a price of $10,000, minimum! Aaaahahaha. Okay, time to play around with this. I mean, one day that might be manageable, but very much not now.