OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD YESSSSSSSSSSS. This episode was SO GOOD! God, I loved everything about it, from Dean's SUSPENDERS and his SALAD and DETOX DIETING and Sam's UNIFORM and awesome buddy Ian (poor Ian D:) and the GHOST and just, everything.
Oh my god and GHOSTFACERS!!! Still as dorky and loveable as ever! And calling Dean and Sam DOUCHENOZZLES AHAHAHA.
And Sam and Dean's just utter GLEE when fighting and killing the ghost -- "That was amazing!" "Right? Right??" They were having FUN, TOGETHER, and it was amazing to watch. BOOOOYS.
And Zacharia was SO KICKASS. And I LOVE what he did for Dean, convincing him that this was what he was supposed to be doing, that they didn't get the wrong guy. This was EXACTLY what I needed after last week's angst fest, what DEAN needed.
SO MUCH WIN. *flails*