Title: Escape
Author/Artist: eyjafjallajoke.tumblr.com
Prompt: Norway, Denmark - Escape | Medieval or 1600s
Other characters: Iceland, Sweden
Rating: G
Content notes: Alvar = Sweden
Mikkel = Denmark
Taava = Finland
Sjalde = Norway
Iceland = Ari
Summary: Denmark formed a union with the other 4 Nordic nations, but it went downhill quickly.
Cold wind tossed the man’s platinum blonde hair. Rage blazed in his sapphire eyes. He was absolutely done with the way Mikkel treated him, and Allvar and Taava ran away on them quite a time ago. It made Sjalde furious, to think that they abandoned the remaining three. He sighed, lightly shrugging it off. Sjalde didn’t know how to feel, or what to do. Allvar proposed a personal union to him. Sjalde honestly disagreed with some the rules that were included. He didn’t want to be treated this way by Mikkel, but Allvar’s union probably would not be any easier to deal with. Besides, Ari could not be left by himself. Not with Mikkel.
"We should form a union," Chuckled Mikkel, taking another long, slow swig of an alcholic beverage(Sjalde couldn’t tell what it was; there was already many different sorts). "Mikkel, I’m not so sure that’s a good idea.." Sjalde inquired, nibbling on his bottom lip. He could see a pint-sized Ari in the Danish man’s kitchen, scoffing quietly as he noticed that the naughty young boy had already managed to get into the fresh baked bread that Mikkel had made earlier. Mikkel didn’t seem to notice, but the Norwegian man figured that he wouldn’t care anyway. He’d been slightly appalled at the idea of a child in the beginning, but he had warmed up to Ari quickly as he calmed. "Why not?" Mikkel asked, his toothy grin vanishing for a moment. "I think it seems like a great idea."
Tonight was the night. Sjalde was leaving with Allvar. It wasn’t entirely his decision, but he didn’t figure Allvar would be nearly as bad as Mikkel, being that Allvar was much calmer. He swiftly tied his cloak around his shoulders, silently gazing into Ari’s room. Before he realized it, he found himself in the small boy’s room. He scanned it for a few moments, then turned to the sleeping child. Sjalde sat down on Ari’s bed beside him, lifting a shaking hand to gently brush his chilled fingers through his younger sibling’s hair. He nibbled his lip, sitting for a moment before leaning over to plant a light kiss onto the boy’s forehead. “Goodbye, dear little brother,” He whispered, standing up. “please; I pray that you will forgive me for going so soon. I love you.” Sjalde murmured, tears beginning to well up in his eyes. He hesitated in Ari’s doorway. Suddenly, he could hear Mikkel stirring in his bedroom across the hall. At this, he froze for a moment before quickly following Allvar out the front door, making sure not to stir anything as he reached it. Sjalde walked quickly out the door at Allvar’s side, not glancing back a single time.
Mikkel snored as he rolled around under his covers, eventually rolling off the edge of his own bed. This woke him up, much quicker than a bell or alarm. He quickly got up, pulling open the curtains, allowing the sunlight to waft in. A grin quickly parted his lips, a soft snort escaping before he ran into the hall- much like a child on Christmas day. He passed Ari’s room, before quickly running back and glancing in. Ari was still fast asleep. Years had passed since Sjalde left. Mikkel made sure that Ari and Sjalde could still communicate by letters- though, he and Sjalde exchanged letters too. Sjalde normally had the same questions, such as ‘How is Ari?’ ‘How’s the country faring?’ ‘What’s it been like?’. Today, something was peculiar. For the first time, Sjalde asking how Mikkel himself was doing. It wasn’t a huge deal, but Mikkel was satisfied, knowing that at least the Norwegian wasn’t as furious as before. Sjalde stated plainly that he only wasn’t going to hold a grudge because he still allowed him and his younger brother to communicate, but Mikkel didn’t care. His family had already been upset with him many times, and now, no one was angry. It was quite the relief. Maybe Sjalde could escape the treatment, but he couldn’t escape the Dane’s babbling either way. He wrote sloppily, but he still wrote a lot. Mostly about Ari, since Sjalde mainly asked about Ari. Since he mentioned Mikkel himself this time, so, Mikkel would write a page about himself, too. He laughed to himself, sitting down in his very favorite cushioned chair in the living room, pulling out his pen(feathered, of course) to write another reply to Sjalde. Ari had woken up, and was now staring at the Dane, confused. After a moment, he shrugged it off, continuing into the kitchen, unaware of Sjalde’s letter- until Mikkel spoke. “Yo, Ari! Come here, write to your bro!” “We’re not brothers, Mikkel.”