Title: Brother of mine
Aki-no-hikariPrompt: Norway, Denmark: Honesty [Optional: Modern or Medieval] Prompt from 2013
Other characters: Mentions of Sweden
Rating: PG for mentions of war and violence?
Content notes: Set right at the end of the Kalmar Union as Sweden breaks away from it. Historical inaccuracies abound.
Summary: Norway
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Comments 4
Anyway. I think my favourite part of this is how it's clear that they're both concerned about Sweden (even if not being so would make things so much easier for them) and how you really get across that it's just one big mess and they don't really know how to deal with it. Some of the portrayals I've seen of them at this period simplify it just a little too much.
Yeah, some people tend to oversimplify characters to just one or two characteristics that get exaggerated to the point you almost can't recognize them anymore. I really wanted to convey how they still saw Sweden as one of them, after all they had been living together for centuries, and those bonds won't away from one day to the next, which would lead to a very complicated situation indeed.
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