Title: Sjálfstæður
nordiskfem Prompt: Iceland, Denmark - Showing the ropes | 1800s or Medieval
Other characters: Norway is mentioned a few times.
Rating: G
Content notes: Rather history based, generally 1800s/1900s, somewhat strays from the prompt. About 980~ words.
Summary: Denmark teaches Iceland how to run a country, and Iceland realizes that one day he will too leave the household he had grown to know.
January 5, 1874
Iceland peered up at the elder nation confusedly as he was led down the hallway. “Danmörk, where are we going?” Earlier in the morning, he had been shuffled into a carriage with no explanation at all as they rode into a city, and led into a rather grandiose looking building.
“Our bosses wanted to speak to us, so I’m taking you to them,” The Dane replied with a cheery grin as he ruffled his hair. “Don’t worry about it, I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about.” They walked down the hallway in relative silence for a few moments before the Icelander opened his mouth to ask another question.
“Will they take me away like stóri bróðir?” He asks out of innocence, not seeing the brief flash of pain in the other’s eyes before Denmark shook his head.
“Nei, not yet, at least. Anyways, here we are.” The Dane announces with an elaborate sort of gesture as they neared a door. Iceland could not help but feel worried as they entered the room.
Thankfully for them, the meeting was kept short, though the Icelander often ended up confused, and could only grasp bits and pieces of the politics at hand that were being discussed. The meeting with their bosses was kept brief and to the point, as what they had wanted to discuss had went over somewhat smoothly, and before long he had found himself back at home.
However, it was almost immediately obvious that things would be different, as upon their return, Denmark had pulled him aside to lead him to his study.
“It’s about time someone showed you the responsibilities of a country,” Had been the only explanation the Dane offered as he led the way. When Iceland had asked why; why now; why not before or later; he simply said, “You’ll leave here one day too, whether I like it or not. It’s up to me to make sure you’re ready when that day comes. Nor will have my head if you aren’t”
He had nothing further to say to that, and wordlessly followed behind the elder nation, despite the foreboding feeling he had.
Their routines had changed after that- in the mornings, he followed Denmark to his study to learn from the other, or to observe when he filled out paperwork, or whatever it was that the day called for. During the day, he’d taken up doing various chores that needed to be taken care of in the household.
Picked up the responsibilities that his brother was no longer available to do.
That was what their lives became. Repeating the same pattern over and over, for days, months, and eventually, years.
December 1, 1918
They called it independence. And perhaps, compared to what it had been before, it was. Yet Iceland could not help but yearn for more.
And yet, at the same time, he wanted none of it. He did not want to have the burdens and responsibilities of being a country.
He knew he couldn’t be dependent on Denmark forever. But he couldn’t help on cling to what little he had left.
He knew that he too, one day, would leave the Dane’s house.
When had it became Denmark’s house, and no longer his home? Had it been when Norway left the household? Before then? After then?
He wasn’t sure exactly when it had taken place.
But he did know that independence felt right.
June 17, 1944
Iceland looked up to the skies, the cheers of his people ringing in his ears, and the pride they felt pumped through his body. He felt a few tears escape the corners of his eyes.
It was odd, to be home. To be free.
His independence had came, at a price. He couldn’t help but feel a bit bitter about that.
‘It’s what your people want, and it’s for the best.’ Denmark had sent him, rarely having a moment to himself due to the Nazi rule in his country. ‘You know everything there is to being a country. You have to be strong.’
How could he be strong now?
He couldn’t let him down. If not for his sake, or for the Dane’s, then for Norway’s. For everyone else that was depending on him.
“I swear that one day I’ll be strong.” He murmured up to the sky. “I’ll save you all one day. Just wait.”
Sjálfstæður- Icelandic; means independent, free
January 5, 1874- In 1874, Denmark granted Iceland “home rule”. A constitution, written in 1874,
called Stjórnarskrá um hin sérstaklegu málefni Íslands, and was the basis of Iceland's current constitution.
December 1, 1918- In December 1 of 1918, the Danish-Icelandic Act of Union, an agreement signed by Iceland and Denmark, recognized Iceland as a fully sovereign state. Iceland established its own flag, declared its neutrality and asked Denmark to represent its foreign affairs and defense interests. The Act would be up for revision in 1940 and could be revoked three years later if agreement was not reached.
June 17, 1944- On February 25, 1944, the Alþing (Althing, Iceland’s parliament) declared that the Danish-Icelandic Act of Union from 1918 had expired, and approved the cancellation of the Union, and agreed to a new constitution.The fact that Denmark was occupied by Nazi Germany at the time played a part in this. Iceland offically declared itself a republic on June 17, 1944.
‘It’s what your people want...’- In May of 1944, a referendum was ran in Iceland with a voter participation of 98%. Approximately 95% of the voters approved of the constitution, and 97% of Icelanders wanted to discontinue the union with Denmark.