Stalkers are twats. A cautionary tale from noreen_dev.
igrewup is stalking noreen_dev
igrewup’s REAL name :
Loren Carter
igrewup’s REAL DOB :
22nd November 1978
Height :184 cm
Weight : 115.1 kg
igrewup has dreamt about you :
26 times
igrewup became interested in you :
30th July 2002
igrewup’s latest dream about you
You are stranded with igrewup on a deserted island and your stalker is trying to coax you towards sex by hoarding all of the food and refusing to give you any until you give in to their wishes.
This is how igrewup describes your relationship behind your back
‘At first I thought it was just friendship, but it’s more than that. The way noreen_dev looks at me has to be seen to be believed. Either it loves me as much as I love her or it’s terrified. And that isn’t very likely, is it……?’
igrewup’s been stealing stuff from your house too.
igrewup ‘borrowed’ your beloved collection of Bee-Gees LP’s whilst you were napping on Christmas Day last year.
They’ve even started modifying their body for you
igrewup had their nipples pierced to show you the true depths of their neverending love for you.
They sent the following message to you in a Valentines
I think I’ve just creamed myself thinking about you. There’s no tissue paper in the house to clear up the mess so I’ve used this card instead.
The Police
No. calls to the police :
17 times
Your Last Call to The Police
"Police!?!? igrewup’s in my backyard again stealing clothes off of our washing line. This is the 10th time in a week for fucks sake."
igrewup’s Police File
igrewup is a sadistic cold-blooded killer who preys on the countryside looking for barnyard animals to mowdown in their people carrier.
Testimonies about igrewup
young_sev - Charlie Manson’s long-lost sibling
‘You think you know a person and then something like this comes out of the blue. Fuck that, I’m becoming a recluse.’
ant_carraway - A withered old hag
‘Dear God! I knew igrewup was a right thieving bastard but I didn’t know they were such a skank. noreen_dev is a bit of a sucker really.’
lyrae_maylaen - A boring stoner
‘igrewup’s obsession with breastfeeding should have acted as an insight into their warped mind. I can’t believe I overlooked it for so long. Jesus.’
thats_not_cream - Flaccid Pornstar
‘I don’t really have that many enemies - but igrewup is definitely one of them now.’