The Post Office
…looks like this, or it will once Moist, err, Gladys, tidies it up. Right now, it looks
more like this..
Private post boxes are in the covered area outside, and will be accessible at all times. Inside is a large open space, which looks like your typical older post office - shelves with moddable things to buy, a line of counters with postal equipment behind it and a door leading to the sorting room. It has a very tall ceiling, and a staircase at one end.
Upstairs are a series of rooms, including an office and a small apartment. Spiral stairs lead into the clock tower, with space for owls or other delivery birds to roost. It also has a basement as yet unexplored, so who knows what could be down there.
The Post Office Post
A Post Office post will go up each day, M-Sat. Opening hours are M-F: 9-5, Sat: 9-12. It will have OCD threads for Interaction/Doing Post Office Business with whomever is running the post office that day, Mod Gladys, and Mail Drop.
Mail Delivery
Glady will deliver the mail, Monday to Saturday, and this will continue to be handwavily, unless otherwise requested, or I've got some time to run an around town delivery post. In that case, it could be Moist or Gladys, and anyone who wants to can ping in and interact.
Multi-versal/multi-dimensional mail: Via the Sorting Engine, mail can be sent anywhere/anywhen. And I mean ANYWHERE/WHEN. As long as there's something approaching a mail service in the destination dimension/time, there's a reasonable chance it'll get there, and that something could be sent back.
If you don't want to handwave:
In game (IG) character to IG character:
Just post a link to the letter/item/parcel/whatever, specify to whom it is to go, and it will be delivered, either by pinging Moist/Gladys into a nominated post, or leaving a link in the recipient's voicemail post.
Out of game (OOG) characters:
IG to OOG: Post the above info in the thread, and specify OOC whether it was delivered successfully. If you want it to go missing, or be returned to sender, that's not a problem!
OOG to IG: As above, just specify from whom it's from, and it will be delivered via pinging into a post, or by leaving a voicemail link.
In either instance, the comment will be responded to, advising whether it was delivered, with a link to the delivery if it was made to an IG character, or describing how it went astray.
Anonymous Mail: Mail can also be sent anonymously - IG to IG, or OOG to IG - just follow the above, and specify it's to be delivered anonymously, and it shall be done.
Special Deliveries: If it's something special or strange or huge (like a baby dinosaur, or a piano, or a build it yourself full size spaceship kit), please ping me on email and let me know what's arriving and when, a general description of the packaging (if it matters), and where/when you want it delivered. Not much is too large for Gladys to carry.
The Sorting Engine
Looks like sort of like this, only rather less of the wood and more of the gleaming steel and glass.
It's a multi-dimensional portal that works because the bit of the universe it exists in twists pi to be exactly three. It was built by Bloody Stupid Johnson, one of Ankh-Morpork's most famous designer and builder of things that don't work exactly as they should.
The Ankh-Morpork wizards said that the Sorting Engine existed in multiple realities, one of which could be Fandom. Since the ones that exist elsewhere weren't built by Bloody Stupid Johnson, they'll work properly (with occasional hiccups). The Fandom Post Office has a Sorting Engine of its own, and this one works properly.
What can the Post Office and Moist do for you, plot wise?
-mail going missing, mail turning up unexpectedly from the past/the future
-things emerging from the Post Office basement/the Sorting Engine
-letters from anonymous senders
-mail from alternate futures/alternate pasts, letters that were never written but claimed to have been, letters from future selves - all those things can come via the Sorting Engine.
-anything else you can think of, just ask!
And, again, as a reward for making it all the way to the end, I give you:
Going Postal, the full audio book in MP3 format,
downloaded here! Enjoy!