shit is still complicated, but still overall good. things happen. people come and people go. all you can really do is try to find your place in it all and have fun doing so.
I like today's. Maybe I should finally give up in order to make it... "Sit back and enjoy the ride. When you're not so intent on the destination, you'll find that the journey itself becomes the point. And if someone attractive sits next to you and strikes up a conversation, all the better."
"Love means accepting all of someone, not just the parts that are convenient or match your self-conception. It's time to push aside any pretty scenarios; you need to focus on the reality of the situation."
...and some people doubt the accuracy of astrology. mother fucker, this is dead on.
Birthday! Things are good. But I feel like there is something missing. Like there could be more in my life and there isn't. Must work on this... but clearly after I finish celebrating :)