Physical: still around a 2 on the scale. Insomnia, messing up with my energy levels and daily patterns. I am attempting to self help, and yet, even my self help doesn't help much.
Very much discouraged.
Mental: Brain is okay, but not great, so I figured out what I need--I need to learn something new. Maybe something simple to begin with, but I want exercise my brain before it becomes an emptied wasteland.
Emotional: I feel like my physical problems have bumped everything else aside, and yes, I think I need to work on my anxiety levels. Which is not helped by a few of my habits that feed into being more anxious.
So as to solutions...yes, I am taking pain killers, etc, not rx'ed, as I haven't the funds for a Doctor. And sleeping pills. These do not seem to help me find the peaceful drift off to sleep I really want and crave.
I am going to find something to learn --- and it needs to be useful and involve my mind. In a new way.
I am also not here very often because my desk/chair arrangement at my apartment is awful and I do not have the 3 hours of energy it would take to fix it.
My feeding pattern is like 1-2 meals a day and this is also something I need to work on, like now. So I am getting "dunch" and hopefully feel a lot better about life--even if it is for an hour.
Every hour where I feel decent is precious now.
It seems half my energy is just taken away by trying to feel halfway decent about life.