Getting this up in time to (hopefully) do some good! And now, back to bed. *sniffle* *yawn*
First of all, THANK YOU!!! I don't know which fandom you're writing for, but no matter what you're answering a wish of mine, so I already know that I'll love whatever you create. So consider this a blanket thank you, with specific flail to follow when I am finally able to read your story.
So, down to business, eh? My fandom requests were somewhat all over the place, but you can pretty much guarantee that, whatever you're writing for, there is one thing I will always love above all else: gen team/cast fic. I am a SUCH A SUCKER for genfic and teamfic. I fall for fandoms because of cast and characters first, and shipping only enters after the individuals and the collective have snatched my heart. So no matter what, team and/or character stories that focus on the TEAM or CHARACTERS and not on shipping make me smile.
Of course, if you want to write shipfic, that's fine too, lol. I never turn down fic with characters I love, no matter what. I'll read pretty much anything (het, slash, femslash, whatever), so long as the characters remain as THEMSELVES, and their personalities don't have to be changed in order to get shoved into a relationship. I know I checked off "general audiences", but I'll read any rating. My only real "please don't" request is for no intimate partner violence/sexual assault/the like.
But I suppose specifics will help you the most, so here are a few notes for each fandom:
Law & Order: UK
Any character is good. I'm obsessed with L&O, to the point where I usually recognize the Mothership scripts that are source material for L&O:UK. There is nothing you could do that I wouldn't squee over. I will say that I'm a scifi geek, so any and all scenes that involve Aleesha and Matt make me giddy, but so does Matt/Ronnie partner stuff and James/Aleesha mentor (and possible Jack McCoy-esque feelings on James's part) stuff. And Matt/Ronnie/Natalie cop stuff. And James/Aleesha/George stuff. Ooh! And Matt/Ronnie/James/Aleesha stuff. Or any character combination therein. So, um, yeah. Basically, any character, solo or in combination. Except for the possible McCoy-esque thing I mentioned, I'm pretty gen-focused for this show, but would be open to any pairing you could make work, so long as the characters remain like themselves. And if you could work in a case, all the better. :)
Ghost Hunters RPF
The same basic thing still stands: I love these boys (and girls! The girl investigators rock too!) and their toys and paranormal dealings, SO MUCH. So anyone/anything you write here is perfect. If you could squeeze them into an investigation somehow, that would be even more perfect. I love them the most when they're having their adventures in dark, deserted, creepy places, and they're jumping back and forth between seriousness about their goals and goofing off because they're all BFFs. No real ship preferences, though I do admit to slashing Jason/Grant and Steve/Tango, but that's always a secondary thing to their ghost hunting adventures.
Thora Gudmundsdottir Series - Yrsa Sigurdardottir
I sincerely doubt you got this one, but just in case... I love Thora, and I love her with Michael. I would especially love to see something with them trying for a normal family-type outing with her kids and all the ways in which that ends in disaster. But seriously, if you're actually writing for this one, I will love you forever for ANYTHING you write.
No Ordinary Family
I'm kind of ridiculously in love with the women of this show. Daphne, annoying though she may be, is SUCH a teenager about how she uses her superpowers. I mean, she tries to gain favor with the popular crowd, she jumps to conclusions based on what she overhears, and she genuinely tries to help when she thinks her powers might save her friends. And more often than not, she screws up royally. Stephanie tries not to enjoy her powers but does, even while remaining wary of them and trying to study them. And Katie is just awesome. I love awesome female characters even more than a good cast. Oh, and George! George did what any self-respecting best friend of a superhero would do: he built a lair! So again, awesome characters in any combination, but for this particular fandom, I'm all about the girls (and George).
So those are my basic preferences in a nutshell. But above all else, ANYTHING for these fandoms would be a dream. Thank you so much, and I can't wait to read your fic!
Love ya!