Dear Yuletide Author!

Oct 28, 2012 16:51

Dear Yuletide Author,

First of all, hello to my new favorite person! I don’t know which fandom we matched on, but I already know that I will adore anything you write. I’m so excited and can’t wait to read what you come up with!

Before I get to the different fandoms I requested, let me give you some basic guidelines you can work with. In general, I’m very “let the author go where their mind takes them,” so don’t give it a second thought if nothing I say here strikes your fancy. I was deliberately loose in what I requested because I just want fic for any of these fandoms, so however you choose to play with these characters is awesome to me.

My fandom happy places can pretty much be summarized thusly:
+ women being awesome/exercising agency
+ genfic/teamfic
+ characters who interfere with your ship of choice being allowed a dignified, non-bashy exit
+ plot

I love women being awesome. I love teamfic and/or genfic. I love character stuff. Of course, none of this means you shouldn’t write the most epically shippy fic the internet has ever seen. If that’s what moves you, go for it! *cheerleads* My default setting just isn’t usually to ship first. But I do ship, and you’ll get more specifics later on. Same thing goes for slash - not usually my thing at first, but if you can make it work, or if that’s how you envision these characters, more power to you, and I am clapping my hands in anticipation. Basically, just write what makes you happy, because you are writing for a fandom I desperately want fic for, so anything you write will make me happy. It’s really a win-win situation!

And…that’s really my favorite fic things in a nutshell. If you want to know what I care about enough to write myself, my fic can be found here. It’s a mixed bag, but generally pretty indicative of my likes/dislikes. The only things I really won’t tolerate (unless it’s somehow justified by the canon, in which case, make your argument for it):
+ misogyny/women-hate
+ character bashing
+ non-con

And now, onto the specific requests!

Falling Skies
I love the women on this show. Just, love, love, love them. They are all strong and damaged and complex, and there is clearly so much more to all of them that we’re never going to see (due to a combination of writers’ decisions and screen time). They are really some of my favorite female characters on TV at the moment, and I am so excited by the possibility of getting fic for them.

I would love anything that featured these women doing something together, whether it’s some kind of mission or supply run, just chatting as the convoy moves along, or anything else you come up with. I’d love something where Maggie, Anne, and Karen are somehow stuck somewhere together and have to work together to get free, because triumph over adversity and working with your enemies towards a common goal is one of those things that blends teamfic with women being awesome, as well as providing a chance for some nice moral gray areas. But honestly, anything you want to do with these characters is beyond good with me because, see above: LOVE.

Necessary Roughness
So this is one of those places where I do have an active ship, and that ship is Dani/Nico. Blame it on enduring Scott Cohen love (hi, Wolfie!) or apparently having a thing for slightly damaged, snarky people finding each other, but I’ve shipped these two for most of the series. The noise I made at the end of last season was…embarrassing. So if you want to explore what happens after that ending, be my guest! If you can bring in how Dani/Nico would impact how they relate to/interact with the rest of the Hawks (since it's always all about Terrence King, lol), that would be fabulous.

If you’re not sailing the Dani/Nico ship, I also love the relationship Dani and TK have. Both as doctor/patient and as friends (and there’s also sometimes something maternal there, too), they have a chemistry and a bond that I just really adore. You could write a session, or even just a conversion between them, and I’d be happy. Same thing with Nico/TK; I think there's a lot of really interesting dynamics to play with between these characters, especially with how last season progressed. I requested all three character because they're my favorites, and I really enjoy their interactions with each other.

And of course, there’s one of the show's favorite plot devices, “Dani and Nico work to get TK out of trouble." That’s always a good time. But really, anything you want to do with these characters will make me happy.

So, Mellie Grant is possibly my favorite character on television right now, hands-down, and my only ship for this show is Mellie/awesomeness. You want to explore what made her who she is? Go for it! You want to delve into who she is now? Hooray! You want to just explore a day in her life and what it means to her to be the First Lady of the United States? Yippee! She is complex and strong and hardcore in a way you don’t get to see a lot (yeah, she made sacrifices, but she owns them, and she won’t tolerate anyone getting between her and what she wants for her life and her country), and there is just so much there. Mellie is awesome, and I would love you forever if you played with that awesome (notice a recurring theme in the words I use to describe her?).

I only requested Mellie because I didn’t want you to have to match on all the characters, and I really wanted to make sure to single her out. But one of my favorite things about this show is the cast and all the permutations therein, so go wherever your mind takes you with these characters. I love Olivia, Quinn, Huck, and Cyrus as characters, I love Olivia/David BFF-ness, I love Olivia Pope & Associates when they’re on the case, I love the Snarky Adventures of David and Assistant Alissa…basically, I love everyone, lol. So like I said, there’s not much I want in the way of specifics, just a general “these people are wonderful and this show is my fandom happy place.” Whatever you want to do, go for it!

I think that’s it! Thank you again for whatever you end up writing. I can’t wait until I get to read it so I can thank you with direct flail and joy!

Excitedly waiting,

fandom, fanfic, yuletide!

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