Monet: *snuffles Gorlim* manthing!
Gorlim: *sits very still*
Monet: manthing cub . . . *licks his nose*
Gorlim: *smiles* Helloooo.... *pets cautiously*
Monet: *snuffles his face, grooming him*
Gorlim: eeee! *grabs Monet and huggles him*Warm furry!
Monet: *flops down on his legs, purring*
Gorlim: *loves*
Monet: *licks him thoroughly* manthing cub . . . strangethings.
Monet: *flops his head down*
Gorlim: *scratches all over*
Monet: *PURRS*
Monet: *snuffles Gorlim's belly* manthing hungry! *mouths his hand*
Gorlim: *laughs* You tickle, kitty!
Monet: *tugs gently*
Gorlim: Whaaat?
Monet: food! *pulls harder, but still not enough to mark the skin or hurt the boy*
Gorlim: *a bit scared, whimpers*
Monet: *drops his hand and pads off*
Gorlim: o.o
Norolinde: ::pops her head in:: Is everything okay?
Gorlim: *points to the lion* He tried to eat me!
Norolinde: Monet? ::blinks:: He wouldn't have. Did he bite you a little?
Gorlim: *nods* He pulled me!
Norolinde: ::frowns:: Did he hurt your hand?
Gorlim: *shakes his head*
Norolinde: May I see it?
Gorlim: *shows*
Norolinde: ::holds it carefully:: I don't think it broke the skin . . . ::sighs:: I don't know. Maybe he wanted to take you somewhere.
Gorlim: *raises arms to be picked up*
Norolinde: . . . hi. ::picks him up and cradles him carefully::
Gorlim: *clings and whimpers quietly*
Norolinde: ::runs a hand through his hair soothingly:: What's the matter?
Gorlim: Big kitty scared me!
Norolinde: I'm sorry. He's really a big sweetheart . . . ::sits on the edge of the bed and rocks him a little:: How old are you, Gor-- Jelly?
Gorlim: I wanna have my name back. An' I'm FIVE.
Norolinde: Okay, Gorlim. ::smiles:: What a big boy you are.
Gorlim: *puffs up proudly* Yeah. I am.
Norolinde: But very skinny! Would you like to go get some food now?
Gorlim: I guess...
Norolinde: I know, not very fun . . . hey! I'll show you the way I remember to go, in case you get lost?
Gorlim: Okay!
Norolinde: Okay . . . ::stands up with him still in her arms:: Can I hold you for a while longer? I know some people say it's too silly but I think they just grew up too fast. And if you hold onto something, you don't lose it.
Gorlim: I dun want you to put me down! *clings*
Norolinde: Okay. ::hugs him close:: Now, watch what I show you . . . ::walks with him down the halls, pointing out silly little tricks that she uses to remember where she's going:: That's the rock with the face, and that one looks like a river . . . ::stopping in front of a particular one:: This one's got a funny feeling to it, I think. It feels like it's really old and full of stories. ::smiling:: Want to feel it?
Gorlim: *puts his hand out and touches it, smiling* I feel!
Norolinde: ::grins back at him:: I thought you might . . . you're special.
Norolinde: Now, to the food . . . ::continues on, babbling at him softly::
Gorlim: *listens, clinging with his arms around her shoulders*
Norolinde: Are you getting sleepy? ::pets his hair::
Gorlim: *defiantly* No.
Norolinde: ::hides her smile:: Okay. Well! We're at the kitchens. What do you think you'd like?
Gorlim: Bread.
Norolinde: Just bread?
Gorlim: There's more?
Norolinde: ::giggling:: Yes, there's more. Here, we'll take a look. ::walks him around and shows him all the food::
Gorlim: Can I have milk???
Norolinde: Of course you can. Can I put you down to get you some?
Gorlim: *nods*
Norolinde: Okay. ::places him carefully on a table:: Milk . . . milk, milk milk . . . ::pours him a tall glass:: Now, Gorlim, the bread here is . . . sort of sick, so I can't give you any until it's feeling better, okay?
Gorlim: *pouts* Okaaay. Is there rice?
Norolinde: Um . . . sure, probably. ::scrounges up some and cooks it for him:: Careful, it's hot. ::sits and watches him eat::
Gorlim: *pours the milk over the rice, get some butter and adds THAT, eats the mush happily*
Norolinde: . . . ah, I suppose I forgot that. I do apologize.
Gorlim: *grins at her* It's okay, Nindie.
Norolinde: ::giggling:: Is that what you're going to call me?
Gorlim: Should I call you Soozin?
Norolinde: No . . . that's okay, nobody calls me that anymore.
Gorlim: You said your name was Nindie.
Norolinde: Kay. ::grins:: Want more?
Gorlim: *nodnodnod*
Norolinde: More rice and milk, or something else?
Gorlim: *surprised* There's different things even that I can have????
Norolinde: Yeah . . . ::looks at him, her eyes soft:: I guess you didn't have lots of food at home . . .
Gorlim: We have enough. But there's lots of US and the girls and Malkim get first pick, especially of the milk.
Norolinde: Oh . . . you have a big family?
Gorlim: *nods* Two big sister and one big brother and mama and 'da and the sheep and the cats and the dogs and cousind and uncles and all SORTS of things.
Norolinde: . . . oh. ::hazily:: Sure, you can have more, what else would you like?
Gorlim: I dunno! Everything!
Norolinde: You can't have everything. We can come back tomorrow, for breakfast? Pick some stuff and we'll bring it back to your room.
Gorlim: You pick, Nindie. I don't know what tastes good.
Norolinde: Um . . . lots of stuff. ::stuffs food into a basket for him and offers it to him for inspection::
Gorlim: *looks through it* Okay!
Norolinde: Great. Now, would you like to walk this time? You don't have to.
Gorlim: the halls are kinda....... dark...... I'll walk if you stay really really close, Nindie....
Norolinde: No, it's okay, I'll carry you. ::picks him up:: Got the basket?
Gorlim: *holds it close* Uh-huh!
Norolinde: Okay. ::meanders back through the halls with him:: Do you have a nice comfy bed to sleep on?
Gorlim: Um... I'm not sure where I sleep... o.o
Norolinde: . . . oh. Well . . . someone lent me a bed. Would you like to use it?
Gorlim: Okay!
Norolinde: All right . . . ::takes him to her room:: Ready for bed?
Gorlim: *looks around, grabs his blanket from the basket, nods* Uh-huh.
Norolinde: Okay. ::turns down the sheets:: Hop in, I'll tuck you in.
Gorlim: *scrambles* Nindie? Where's mama? And Hyssop? And.... everyone?
Norolinde: Um . . . they're a long ways away, Gorlim. I'm afraid you've gotten very lost. We'll look for them in the morning, okay? I can stay with you tonight, if you like.
Gorlim: *clings to his blanket* How far away?
Norolinde: Farther than you can walk in a day, or I can carry you. Shh. I promise we'll take care of you for them.
Gorlim: *meeps and hides under the covers* Did they forget me, Nindie?
Norolinde: No . . . no, they . . . they still remember you. And I'm sure they're very worried, and looking for you high and low. We just have to give them time to find you, okay? ::peers under the covers:: Gorlim?
Gorlim: *scoots further back and puts up his blanket so she can't see his face*
Norolinde: ::frowns slightly:: I'm sorry. Should I go?
Gorlim: *from behind the blanket* NO!
Norolinde: Kay. Should I sit on the floor and wait for you to fall asleep?
Gorlim: NO NO NO NO NO NONO!!!!!
Norolinde: What should I do, then?
Gorlim: Find mama!!!! *sniffles*
Norolinde: ::sighing:: I can't do that right now, Gorlim. Would you be okay with somebody else's mama who cares about you lots and lots?
Gorlim: *cries* I want to go home!
Norolinde: ::facepalms:: Gorlim . . . may I tell you a story?
Gorlim: *cries*
Norolinde: ::feels her temples and sighs:: Okay, Gorlim, I'm gonna go.
Gorlim: NO!!!! Why?????
Norolinde: All I'm doing is making you cry. I'm sorry. ::stands and brushes off her dress::
Gorlim: No you're not!!! *sniffs* I would if you weren't here too!!!!
Norolinde: ::sits on the edge of the bed carefully:: I lost my mommy too. Can I cry with you?
Gorlim: *sniffs, looks at her curiously* Grown-ups don't cry.
Norolinde: Whoever said I was grown-up?
Gorlim: You look growed-up. *hiccups*
Norolinde: Only on the outside. ::rubs his back:: So I'm not allowed to cry?
Gorlim: *squirms* I don't know. 'Da says I'm not allowed to either. 'Da says it's bad. So does Renna. Only Renna's meaner about it.
Norolinde: Is Renna one of your sisters?
Gorlim: *nods*
Norolinde: Well, I say for tonight, we're both allowed to cry. How's that?
Gorlim: *quietly* Okay Nindie.
Norolinde: Can I lie in bed with you and cry? It's really cold out here.
Gorlim: Uh-huh. *scoots further down under the covers*
Norolinde: 'kay. ::climbs in and snuggles under the blankets:: Wow, my feet are cold. ::wiggles her toes and makes exaggerated sniffling sounds::
Gorlim: *huddles near the foot of the bed, not sure what to do.... eventually he sneaks closer and curls up on Noro's feet* Is.... is that better?
Norolinde: You're just like Monet! He used to sleep on my feet when he was a baby . . . ::yawns loudly:: Gosh, I'm sleepy. I guess I'm gonna haveta wait to cry till tomorrow.
Gorlim: *scoots up a bit closer until he can peer at her from a crease in the blankets*
Norolinde: ::sighs:: I'm rather lonely. If only I had my own blanket to hold.
Gorlim: ..........*shoves his blanket towards her*
Norolinde: . . . no, Gorlim, that's yours. Mmm. Sweet dreams . . . ::shuts her eyes and pretends to doze::
Gorlim: Nindie!!!! Nindieeeee!!!!
Norolinde: ::rolls her eyes before opening them:: Yes?
Gorlim: Don't leave me alone!!!!! It's DARK here! *grabs his blanket* You c'n hold me if you need a blanket! Please? Don't go to sleep yet?? *sniffles*
Norolinde: 'kay. But you've gotta come up here, then.
Gorlim: *crawls up and into her arms*
Norolinde: ::adjusts him so he'll be warm:: Ready to try and fall asleep? I'm here, I'm watching over you.
Gorlim: Promise, Nindie?
Norolinde: Forever and ever until you tell me to go away, Gorlim.
Gorlim: Okay. *burrows against her, clutching his blanket and hiding his face in her chest*
Norolinde: ::blinks:: okaaaaaaay . . . ::kisses the top of his head:: Shut your eyes, and soon it'll be morning, and we can go back to the kitchens and I'll show you the stables, and maybe you can ride a horse . . . if you sleep, like a good boy.
Gorlim: Okay, Nindie. *closes his eyes and soon falls asleep*