I've got a bunch of random pictures, I think I'll just throw them here. Some are pretty, some are... well, you'll see.
ASDF taken with the flash on, our kitchen is nicer IRL. Our tiny little Wilma, one of my EF friends.
Some of them slept in my brother's old room and this guy hogged the bed despite the protests of five girls. We made him take the weird frilly floral sheets.
We made these Christmas pastry things. I just heard they're a Finnish/Swedish thing, so I don't have a translation.
This is what they're supposed to look like. I hate plum jam. And I stole the picture from someone else's blog.
...we kind of got creative.
Umm, very creative.
This one's my favorite, though. They might have looked disgusting, but they were really good.
Our Christmas tree. I somehow managed to take the picture from a weird angle and it looks like it's got two ornaments and nothing else, but believe me, it's pretty.
My mom really likes candles. Last week I counted 18 candles in our living room/kitchen area.
By the way, you know how I'm a bit obsessed with cities and city lights?
How cute is that?! It's actually a cookie jar, but mom put candles in it. I'm just waiting for our house to burn down one day.
I think that's all for today~