more restful, but still somewhat exhausted

Jun 24, 2005 16:59

Managed to get a really *good* nights sleep last night, but am still feeling somewhat exhausted right now, which I am told is normal when someone has been sleep deprived and even though they get a full nights rest, etc.

By the way, I forgot to mention that I had asked the good folks at Christ Episcopal Church in Montpelier for a loan so I could buy a 7 day advance one-way discount ticket down to RI in order to visit with my sister and her family (which on the day I am traveling, between Monday and Thursday and not within a holiday block, is only is just $29.00; e.g., I could not have gotten the rate if I traveled between June 30 and July 4th).

However the church issued me a voucher with which to acquire the ticket instead (which they explained I do not have to pay back).

So it worked out better than I thought.

Then, once my money is in for the month, I will purchase another 7 day advance (discount) one way ticket back on the day I travel down there.

It is definitely great when people and organizations are willing to help out, especially doing way much more than one had been asking for. Maybe they knew I needed it, but was not inclined to ask or demand such of course.

It is also good, because I really could not afford it with everything else, including due to the fact that I already owe some of my July income to another motel for the five nights I holed up previously, including recently, on my own.

This is what I call, going gracious extra miles and beyond for someone in need, whether they asked or not (at least when the person on the receiving end indicates a willing to accept such when asked anyway).

Anyway, now things are a little more manageable on my end.

The fact is that the folks at Christ Church have been extremely good and gracious to me over the years, as they are for many others as well of course.

This even though they are often struggling themselves and do not always have enough money in their *discretionary fund* (here); which they just gave me a small loan from so I could have a little food money (as well as afford one senior/disabled 10 trip ticket for the local Green Mountain Transit Agency (GMTA) bus so I could get to where I stayed last night and then back to Montpelier this morning, etc.) to get me through the end of the month.

Since I have a monthly income, I only ask for what I do when I need it on a loan basis, because I can pay it back and, as such, only ask for what I can afford to payback; yet I am careful about doing so, as their funds are sometimes really low due to the high demand on and for them from others in much more dire need than myself.

This morning I called GMTA and they will be sending me another 10 trip ticket, which will cover me until I leave on July 5th, as a ten trip ticket is only 5 round trips and I go back and forth 6 days a week so I can get into Montpelier for what I need to do, especially next week, etc. and I could not afford another one from what little money I have left on me.

I'll pay all my loans and debts off once my July checks are in and before I head to RI of course. The way it will work out, I will still have enough left over for food for the month of July, so not too worry.

The stress is wearing on me, but I am really looking forward to enjoying the company of family once again as well as being near the ocean too, as I am a sea dweller of course.
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