New rules - please read

Feb 12, 2012 16:42

Language Usage:

We do not condone any kind of oppressive language on this meme. Racist, sexist, cissexist, heterosexist, ableist, any kind of -ist, are all discouraged in prompts and discussions unless it is a specific dialogue being requested (ex. "character X calls character Y a whore, etc."); even so, tread with caution. Use of oppressive language in fills is allowed, as it's often a plot device or characterization tool.

If you are uncertain as to whether something you've said is considered oppressive language, ASK. No one is going to hurt you for saying something that you didn't know the meaning of.

If you see someone using -ist language, and should you engage that person, do not just go off on them- they may not realize what implications their words can have. Above all, do not use the oppressive language yourself.

We'd also like to stress that you should alert us at once to any use of -ist language you see, as we are not omniscient and would appreciate your help. Report wank immediately in the  Page-A-Mod thread.

Regarding Foreign Language Fills:

Yes, foreign language fills ARE allowed. However, since English is the dominant language on the meme, if your fill is in a different language, we prefer if you link to it rather than posting it as a series of comments that might be misinterpreted as spam. If you wish to fill while still remaining anonymous, contact us on the mod post and we will work something out with you. Note that if you are going to do a fill in a language other than English, please ask for permission from the prompter first.

Prompt based Prompts:

Also, please try to keep prompts prompt-based. If you're reacting to another prompt, keep it to a single line such as "inspired by prompt ABC..." or "I've seen prompts with theme XYZ so often, so instead lets have..." Anything that could then be considered the "and here's why" part of your commentary, please put in the discussion post instead.

Wank Policy:

If you see wank, do not reply to the offending comment. Any offensive or wanktastic comments will be frozen (and frequently deleted) immediately. Any wank from another lj brought back to norsekink will also be deleted.

Report wank immediately in the  Page-A-Mod thread.

IP Tracking

IP tracking has now been turned off.

Thank you for your help and patience.  If you would like to propose changes to this ruling, please do so in comments below, and they will be discussed and reviewed.

mod post

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