Application Demeleier

Nov 20, 2009 21:15

Player Name: Ku
Player LJ: creatore_magico
Contact: [AIM] destinomiarrendo
Player age: 26
Character Number: 1st (re-app)

Name: North Skie
Source: Wishstars. Original verse © creatore_magico and drazzi
Appearance: North is a young man of nineteen years who appears in transition between boyhood and adulthood. His most distinguishing feature is that he only has one eye, his left, where as the right is missing completely. He wears a strip of deep red ribbon over the missing eye, while the remainder is coloured a grass-field green.
His features are sharp and angled, his jaw very fine and angular with an attractive and aristocratic slant to it. His hair is a long brush of dark purple, around shoulder length, but he keeps it bound in a tail to the left side of his neck and tied with yet another red ribbon.
He is around six foot tall and his form is well toned from constant travelling and fighting.
North dresses in clothes which are generally too small for him, with various belts and additions holding them together. He likes grey to blend in and will often wear that. His attire is worn and well loved. He will always carry a gun in a holster under his jacket, and of course, he will carry his Wish Blade, a thin sword with star like hilt that will be fastened to his back.

Images: 1) Full length 2) Under the eyepatch 3) Calculating expression 4) Realistic features 5) Wish Blade

Personality: North is a very standoffish and unfriendly person when he first meets people, but after he gets to know them it's possible he might lighten up a little. He’s very much a lone wolf, being that he does not get on well working with others and is often aggressive and rude toward companions.

In truth, his own awkwardness around people adds to his grouchy exterior, in reality he’d do anything to protect those weaker than him; he just doesn’t want to come across that way. He likes people to know very little about him until he’s sussed them out first.

North has no time for idiots even though he can be a dork if you catch him in the right mood. He tends to be very judgemental about things he doesn't understand and assume the worst of strangers.

He is a completely different person around kids; he’ll play with them and be a kid himself, join in with their games and tell them stories. It’s the same with animals, North is great with them, namely horses, and he’d rather talk to them than another person any day.

With women he tends to have a few sexist ideas, especially when it comes to them displaying or using their sexuality. The loss of his younger sister had him constantly trying to replace her, and protect other younger girls, but because he treats them all as 'girls' rather than 'women' sexuality tends to knock him for six.

He also tends to instantly dislike French people for no good reason. He had a bad experience in a past life with a French man, and has never cared for them since. So, our dear friends from France will have to work a little harder than most to get on his good side.

His attitude toward Demeleier, being that he has been there once before, is a mixed one. On the one hand he cares for the people there, and has no where else to go, but on the other he feels a deep sadness having lost everyone from his home world he ever cared for.

Specific Abilities: North is a Wish. A Wish is a species that exists in his home world of Sidereal with blood of magical potential. If the blood of a Wish is spilled, a desire can be granted to the human present. The size of the desire equates to the amount of blood that must be spilled to grant it. i.e., if you wanted a sandwich, you wouldn’t have to spill much, however, if you wanted to bring someone back from the dead say, you’d need to spill the Wish's blood entirely and kill that Wish.

North is well trained in fencing due to his childhood being that he was the son of a Lord. He uses his Wish Blade, the mark of all Wishes, as a sword regularly. He is also a crack shot with his pistol, which is a ‘Sidereal Standard Pistol’. These guns work using magnets, rather than gunpowder, so it is possible to retrieve bullets back from victims after a kill. He is not god with guns that are not his own, as his depth perception is way off and he only knows how to over compensate with his own pistol.

North is also apt at surviving in the wilderness or wild for long periods of time, he can hunt, find water, make shelter, fish and climb trees. He spent long years living away from civilization. He is exceptionally agile.

On a simpler note, he is very good with horses, and enjoys being around them, riding them, training them and etc.

History: North was born the sun of Lord Roderick Skie and his Lady Leeayah. They were the chief overseers of the city of Xaekyulie and a well respected and extremely wealthy husband and wife.

As a child North was bought up properly, well educated and drilled in his studies as well as all of the social graces like dancing, courting, fencing and archery. He was not however, close to his parents, who were far too busy to spend much time with their son, other than the time it took grooming him as necessary to make him become the kind of person they wanted in a child.

When he was nine, his sister South was born and his world became very different. She was an adorable child, and North loved her more than anything else in the entire world of Sidereal. He played with her, and a found happiness in being a big brother he never knew he could have. However, things turned sour when South was around two tears old. It was discovered that she, as well as her brother, were carriers of the Wish gene, and as such, part of the illusive and shunned race of Wishes that existed within their world.

Horrified at this, Roderick and his Leeayah banished the children from their sight, disowning them and casting them into the wilderness outside the city walls.

The two of them would have died, prey to Wish Hunters and Ecliptical Priests hunting their race as well as wild beasts and lack of food and shelter. However, North was strong and determined, and he looked after his sister for as long as he could the best way he knew how for at least two months before intervention came upon them.

It was Saxon Crooper who saved them from their trails, an older man of around fifty five years. The traveller took pity on them and raised them both as if they were his own. He was a Wish protector, and also as they found out later, part of the Wish race himself. All though North hated the man at first, over the years they grew as close as two people could, and their life together travelling the wild was a very happy one even as hunted as they were. North, South and Saxon were an inseparable three.

It was years later, when the three were staying at the house of a Wish protector named Mortey and His wife Rashell that trouble reared its head once again. Rashell was in labour, and likely to loose the child when Mortey begged the children, either North or South, to give their life to save his wife and baby. Saxon of course would not allow this, and made to remove his charges from the situation. However, when he was having a heart to heart talk with North about the moral dilemma of the situation, South snuck back to the man and gave up her life, in order to save his family.

North was distraught, heartbroken and full of rage at the injustice of it all. So much so that he ran from his trails until he could not run any more. In a fit of desperation he cut out his own right eye in attempts to bring his sister back, but to no avail. Saxon stopped the boy before he could damage himself any more. [For a fully detailed reading of this event, please go: here]

After his sister was buried, they two of them moved on, with North now wearing the red ribbons his sister had worn in his hair as a memento.

A conversation with Saxon, and the fact that the old man declared he would not bring the girl back if he had the power, made North’s young mind angry and confused enough to run away yet again, and this time he did not return. [Full details: here]

For the remainder of his youth he grew up alone, detesting people and keeping himself to himself. He became wild, and a face not to be meddled with by humans, wishes, hunters and priests alike.

It was three more years gone until he crossed paths with anyone of significance again, then he got mixed up with an Ecliptical Priest named Rand. The priest became interested in him, and began stalking him. There was almost trouble, but North was saved by a young mage named Nekii, also a wish. [Full details: here]

Together they journeyed to the top of the world, meeting up with other wishes along the way. Among them was Saxon, his old master, with a new pupil. There was a lot of tension between them, as North had not yet let go of his anger and hate from the past. Even so they had to travel together again.

The group learned that all Wishes were being drawn to the temple at the top of the world, to answer a strange and unidentifiable call.

They faced many hardships on their way there, but finally managed to struggle to the Undercity, which was the last obstacle in the way of the temple.

While there, they were cornered by priests, led by High Priest Aren and instructed by Rand, the group had no choice but to split up. During this time, Saxon was murdered by Rand, and on the man’s blood, the Priest made a Wish for North to love him.

The strength of the wish was strong, and for a time North went to Rand, but his willpower, and the pull of the Goddess broke that wish and allowed him to escape.

He met up with the others at the temple, and they were drawn into confrontation with the Goddess herself. It was then that the entity told the Wishes she had bought them there to bring about the end of the world. Using their blood to grand her wish to start again, every life form on that planet would die, and the world would be reborn.

Each of the fellowship was given one wish with which to say goodbye to their world with. And North, having lost both Saxon who he was in love with and South his beloved sister throughout his life, almost wanted to bring one of them back to him. However, he only had one wish. And so, he wished that he would never have to choose between them.

That was the end of the world of Sidereal.

After that North awoke to find himself in Demeleier, without his companions and surrounded by strangeness. Despite that, he made several friends there, and began to settle down into his new life despite battling with monsters and emotions alike. At one time, his companion Nel Bindle from his own world came to Demeleier, but she disappeared. North hoped the best for her, but feared the worst. After a while in Demeleier North knew he had grown closer to two people more so than any others. Princess Zelda of Hyrule, and Myhrta, a powerful purple hued woman who could transorm into bird and beast.

Then suddenly, it was over. He wasn't there any-more, he was just nowhere. He knew time was passing, but he had no idea how. The blackness was all around him and months were drifting by like years. He had left Demeleier for an empty plain it seemed.

Eventually though, he found himself at the familiar Guardians temple once again, and even though he knew where he was, the feeling of dread in returning to Demeleier was twice as heavy.

Additional Information: North is the main character in the Novel I am writing along with drazzi. The full story thus far can be found here: Wishstars

There are also additional images of him and his cannon fellows on the Wishstars webpage here: Wishstars Site

Lastly, the Ecliptical Priests I have mentioned in North’s history are hunters of his race. They believe that Wishes are an affront to the Goddess of thier world and should be destroyed. They kill as many as they can, as often as they can.

Wish hunters are people who hunt Wishes for their blood and for their own personal gain.

Sample Journal Post:

[Through some static and the sound of rain a face appears on screen. The first sight to the eye is red, and then the green of a single eye narrowed at the viewer. Rain beats against his skin, and he sighs.] So, who else is here? Or did we all get evicted?

Sample Post :

1) It was crowded with bodies inside the town bar and it caused the air to carry the tang of sweat and liquor into the mouths of the patrons. Music struck gently from the performer in the crook of the room, a story was being told beside him by an elderly gentleman but North wasn’t interested in that. It seemed there was a small crowd around the two though, and the listeners absorbed most of the heat from the fireplace as they took note intently.

The majority of others in the small building were sat at the bar, as North was, merry making or probing their misery as they clutched their drinks heartedly. There was a continues noise of chatter, voices of all tones mingling into each other to make a mash of irritating sound only fit to conceal his own silence.

North sat carefully on his stool, his legs hugging the framework in a defensive pose, his arms folded over the wooden bar. There was a candle nearby him, and its glow illuminated the dash of red ribbon in his hair. Other than that, he was as unremarkable as anybody else in the building. Even his wounded eye didn’t stand out at all in a crowd of this Calibre; they were simple folk who would more than likely assume that the boy was kicked by a horse rather than the victim of anything sinister.

North hugged his glass, wiping some condensation away with his thumbs before taking the bitter liquid to his lips and sipping. It tasted fowl, but at least it would keep him awake tonight.


2) They sat back to back for a while, the cold creeping into their limbs as the water on their clothes stuck to their skin intrusively. North had bowed his head a little, Nekii could feel the weight shifting behind him. The rain was so loud that it stung Nekii’s senses, and he yearned that Wishes themselves could grant the desires of each other, so that they could have a warm shelter and a safe night. It was sad that it didn’t work that way, and that Wishes could not gain what they wanted from their cursed blood. Still, the young mage believed that there was a reason for it, despite how unfair it seemed, after all what would one dream about if he had everything he wanted?

“North?” He asked, somewhat quietly but apparently the other boy had heard him, his body had tensed a little at the sound of his name.

“What?” The response came, short and sharp. “Get some sleep, it’ll be raining for a while and we can’t move off when it’s like this.”

Nekii sighed, his nose felt irritated, his clothes, hair and skin all frozen with biting water. His muscles tensed as he shivered a little.

“North?” He questioned again at length.

“What,” The slightly aggravated boy replied. “I thought I told you to sleep.”

“I’m sorry,” Nekii smiled a little, looking down at the Wish Blade hanging around his neck, the metal glinting under the raindrops. “I just wondered, how long?”

“How long what?” North grumbled again, his fingers finding his forehead and rubbing the centre with a tense frustration.

“How long have you lived like this?” He asked. It was true had had been wondering. North seemed so well versed at this lifestyle that Nekii had to wonder if he was raised by animals like the character in a story he had read once.

There was a short pause, as North contemplated telling the other male that it was none of his goddess damned business, before the sharp eyed boy answered him.

“Long enough,” he said, offering a mere crumb of personal information for Nekii to swallow. “You?”

“A while as well,” Nekii answered. “Though I stick to the main roads when I can, and I pass through towns too.” He smiled, thinking of all the trouble those activities had caused him. “You don’t do that do you?”

“No.” North replied.

Nekii sighed a little before continuing his line of questioning, his eyes blinking away the water that was still clinging to the lashes.

“Because you don’t like people?” The red haired Wish asked, looking over his shoulder at the back of North’s head.

“No, because it’s stupid, going through towns, sticking to main roads. You’ll run into people and I don’t trust people.” North corrected the boy’s assumption with an aggressive tone. “People aren’t worth the effort it takes to befriend them; they aren’t worth the lies you have to tell to gain their trust, only to have them turn you away when they find out what you truly are. Besides, Wish protectors…” The boy paused, swallowing a small lump in his throat before continuing, “Protectors put themselves in danger far too often. If we stay away from people we don’t endanger their lives.”

Nekii listened intently, not interrupting, although he felt he wanted to. North didn’t trust people? He couldn’t understand it. After all, if you don’t trust anyone, how will you ever gain friendship?

“I see.” The mage replied shortly, not positive he should continue treading this unstable ground whilst talking to the other male. “I think that’s very sad.”

“Oh?” North snapped. “And what do you do Nekii? Trust everyone you come across?”

“Yes actually.”
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