OOC: First dream

May 12, 2009 17:10

The aurora glittered in the sky, serene and in stark contrast to the events occurring on the ground below. Arrows whistled through the air, men and women ran in panic as they attempted to arm themselves in a rush. He charged forward, bellowing a mighty roar and with a swing of his great paw a man with a wolf deamon went flying, the wolf bursting into bright dust, then vanishing.

Arrows clinked harmlessly off his armor as he continued to slaughter the attackers, all the while attempting to keep an eye out for someone, a little girl that he didn't see in the fray. Allies fell, but soon they were fighting back despite the cold locking up their guns. There were cries of alarm and orders to focus on him as he laid waste easily to the men. He felt hooks attach to the plates in his armor from several sides, and one caught his paw as well. The men attacking were tying him down, and he found it increasingly difficult to move and could only snap his jaws at any foolish enough to come too close...

Then a gunshot sounded, one rope gave way just enough that the bear broke free, smashing three more in his wake. His dearest friend, an old gentleman with a cowboy hat and a hare daemon, to the rescue once more. All the while this was going on, something tugged at him, a worry of someone important going missing.

Where was the girl...?
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