(no subject)

Jul 14, 2009 23:44

Click here.
Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) Does weightofstone drink? Probably.
2) Would you wrestle alt_girlfriend in jello? Jello is vile. Make it mud and we'll talk.
3) What is cailisairgid's favorite game? Cat and mouse, I think.
4) Do you have weightofstone's screenname? ....
5) Would never_king and rhyfelgri look good together? Oddly enough, yes.
6) When did you last call le_desirous? Half an hour ago. He didn't budge.
7) What word best describes petitmorte? Enthusiasm.
8) Is never_king 1337? ...round about, I'd say.
9) What animal does sand_andwater remind you of? Fox. The kind with the ears.
10) If thespaewife was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? Merlin.
11) Would you set up fathers_sons and thespaewife? Yes. With other people.
12) Does megosalksandros go to your school? Which one, Hard Knocks? I think so.
13) Are petitmorte and alt_girlfriend married? No.
14) Is alt_girlfriend related to you? Christ I hope not.
15) If spectre_knight took over the world, who would suffer? Nobody who didn't deserve it.
16) Is thespaewife friends with amirrorcrackd? You could say that.
17) What is notmyhome's biggest flaw? Low self-esteem.
18) Is never_king your best friend? No.
19) Does notmyhome have a crush on megosalksandros? If I'm lucky they'll never meet.
20) What is le_desirous's favorite food? Figs.
21) Would rhyfelgri and never_king make a good couple? ... brb, laughing to death.
22) Has alt_girlfriend dyed their hair? Yes.
23) Have you flirted with cailisairgid? Are you INSANE.
24) Where was fathers_sons born? it's not there anymore.
25) What is petitmorte's favorite band/artist? Nobody you've heard of.

meta: meme

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