Title: Roopretelcham
Pairing: Ubomb
Genre: au/romance/fluff/idk.
Summary: Yukwon is a nerd who only leaves his dorm twice a week for a two hour computer design class, until he meets, you guessed it!, someone online who changes that.
Note: This is for that one Jaeco shipper (≖ﮧ≖ ) I finally finished typing it up for her n_n
+루프리텔캄 is a ~*spell*~ meaning
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Comments 37
AHHH this was so great. so you've already seen the spazzing, but yes, this is lovely and great and i couldn't write nerd fic so i'm glad you did!! kwon being all sensitive, minhyuk being all smooth, meeting online and getting together ;__________________; idk i think the ending works. i can see all the possibilities~ plus, idk, i guess the story focuses so much on their relationship without physical proximity, that i like thinking about how that relationship would translate now that they can be physically close. if that makes sense.
and jaeco :')
i'm very happy. thank you for writing bb~
You are so qt with your spazzing over my fic ;o;
I threw in that Jaeco for you even though /obviously/ kyung was madly in love with him
Hence he never got with any girls. Laaaaaaa~
kkkkkkk I'm so glad you enjoyed it ;_;
Oh and I'm thinking of writing my own hep hap hello baby huuhuu
I love your icon btw heehee
this was just too cute, i can't.
i really love u-bomb meeting through odd little manners like the web and the likes. it makes their relationship seem really sweet and innocent and even more precious ;-;
lovelovelove it
sobbing tears of joy because people actually read and liked it
Thank you for reading <3
Thank you for reading ♥
I would die for a continuation. is anything planed? Please say yes xDD
I like your writing style, it´s pretty cool. I like the Idea of Kyung, enchant all the girls with his grease and then eat them xD
It was such a cool idea xD
Go on like this! I´m looking forward to more of your stuff!!
lol my friend on twitter said I should continue it and make it where Kyung is really a monster and he eats them all lmfao. Yeah my friend reads too many comics lol.
And thank you for reading <3
I have a couple more fics(u-bomb, zikyung, and taepyo) that I'm working on c:
i´m totally in love with the story, just that u know xD
oh more fics xD yay!
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