About YourselfOverall favorite anime::FLCL How long have you been into anime?:eversince i moved here, like 7-8 years where did you first hear about it?:Robotech Who is your favorite Character, what series/movie are they from?:Tsukasa Favorite voice actor/actress?:Crispin Freeman Favorite Director?:Tsurumaki Kazuya, Director FLCL Do you have any pets named after characters?:Not yet What are they and what are their names?: Do you have any sort of Japanese/anime nickname you go by?:I like Shinzou, but i dont really go by that Favorite Anime GenreHumor::Love HIna Fantasy::Naruto Sci-Fi::Akira Action::Cowboy Bebop Romance:Ranma Horror:Hellsing Movie:Ninja Scroll other:FLCL Favorites out of each Manga GenreHumor:Excell Saga Fantacy:Vision of Escaflowne Action:X-1999 Sci-Fi:Neon Genesis Evangelion Romance:n/a other:GTO Other Random stuffFavorite theme song::Ride On Shooting Star - The Pillows - FLCL OST 1 Favorite quote?:Ah, your brother is away, so she's sinking your fangs into you, Naota. Fondling around, fooling around! Fooly Cooly! Do you ever go to any conventions?:I'm going to my 1st this year Do you cosplay?:I'm thinking about Chouji how many costumes do you have?:1, a kimono and hakama Try watching/reading/doing anything else Japanese?:Yes Whats the best thing of anime?:analyzing and finding the meanings Do you ever plan on going to Japan in the future?:I'm going to move there if you do will you bring me back presents?! ^_^:no or possibly take me in your suitcase?! XD:no Do you have any other obsessions dealing with the anime world or Japan?:yes, eurobeat Do you like.....POKY?! X3:yes Have a favorite mascot from any certain animes?:no Can you say anything in Japanese even if its just Konnichiwa?:Yes
Can you read Kanji or Harigana?:some Do all your friends think your too obsessed with anime?:yes, especially kishan are you known as any anime names by strangers because the way you look?:no
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