I've managed to chip a small bit off the bottom of my fibula... Great. Nothing they can do. I just need RICE - Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. If it doesn't get better by next week, I have to go back. That took A&E an amazingly quick 3 and a half hours to decide and bizarrely enough, everyone in A&E had hurt their ankles
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Comments 16
You know you are more than welcome to apply RICE at our house.... H Mum and I will be drinking wine and making stuff! Not quite as exciting as an event, but better than staying at home and feeling miserable.
For a purely selfish reason really as I need your excellent services at Maelfroth!
but I do hope it gets better. with 'wounds' like that there is little you can do but sit back relax and take the weight of your feet...
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