I just realized something else that's been bothering me about work: there's almost no paper. No notebooks full of calculations, no reference textbooks, not even any post-its!
God I hate paperwork. Anything to do with paper just makes me cringe at this point. For an employee at my store to buy a soda literally require 4 signatures and, I kid you not, roughly 18" of register tape. *twitch*
heh. suncoast, it's a video store. But they're really big on "loss prevention". People have been fired before for what's called "grazing". Where they will grab a soda from the fridge machine thing, drink it, and then an hour later bring it to the counter and pay for it. Simply because they drank it before they paid for it. *sigh* This requires large quantities of paperwork to prove that you paid for whatever you bought and it's the same for a soda as it is for a dvd player. *cringe* Thank God I put in my 2 weeks today
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