feminist vids

Aug 18, 2010 17:26

Many thanks to everyone who left suggestions on my post asking for suggestions for feminist TV episodes. I would still welcome suggestions on that post, but after some conversation in the comments there it occurred to me that it might actually be easier to find examples of feminist vids than actual feminist TV shows. Here's what I thought of off the top of my head/ found through delicious searches; does anyone have other suggestions for vids that highlight themes of gender/feminism, especially ones that might address other issues (like race and class)?


Vids that comment on the depiction of women in the media

sisabet and luminosity's Women's Work as a critical examination of the depiction of women on TV (especially in the horror genre), specifically the fridging of female characters.

sloanesomething's On the Dance Floor. Awesome, really brief critique of gender representation on Star Trek. I also think this is a good introduction to how vidding subverts (or can subvert) source texts, because I would have found the song used in this very offensive were it not being used ironically to critique the lack of women in Star Trek.

laurashapiro's Stay Awake, a creepy look at violence against women and forced pregnancy in a number of shows.

lierdumoa's How Much is that Geisha in the Window , a critique of Whedon's exclusion of actual Chinese or other Asians from his Chinese-speaking universe, Firefly; also an interesting critique of anti-Asian bias in Westerns and in American history.

giandujakiss's It Depends on What You Pay , a really creepy examination of rape in Dollhouse.

Vids that highlight kickass heroines in the media
ancastar's Rabbit-Hearted Girl, a tribute to the Harvelle women (because my SPN-loving heart wanted to balance out Women's Work, and it's also a great vid about women kicking ass).

arefadedaway's One Girl Revolution, multifannish kickass women.

y_fish's Project Awesomesocks, a celebration of the Firefly cast focusing on the women.

damned_colonial, A Vindication of the Rights of Women, a multifandom celebration of women in Age-of-Sail time period films.

Vids that address specific feminist issues

obsessive24, Bachelorette A Buffy vid that is a really interesting examination of women's interactions with male power structures on the show.
The creator says in her notes: "What I wanted to show was patriarchy as a concept, and the different instances that concept could embody. It is not meant to be taken as a blanket critique of men being men, or at least not beyond the privileges - if any - that they unconsciously inherit simply by being born into the structure. For me, the most important thing is that these issues can be universally true to women, not just for Slayers or female characters in this fiction. At one point or another, most women have to face most of these issues in society, whether or not they are consciously aware of it being such: issues of sex and virtue; of father figures and control; of the "old boys' club" which imposes structural concepts on education and the workplace; and - at the very end of the spectrum - misogyny as tangible violent acts against women

keewick, Martina. A chilling look at rape in Veronica Mars.

Viorica8957, Oh Mother. I don't know this fandom (Rome), but this is an excellent examination of domestic violence.

Female bonding vids

charmax's I'm Your Man , in celebration of "International Day of Femslash." Awesome vid centering on femslashy relationships (M, read that as "female homoeroticism") in a wide variety of films and TV shows.

Not exactly fanvids, but awesome feminist vids all the same

Bronte Sister Power Dolls: a fake ad for these new action figures breaking down barriers in the 19th century literary world.

Jane Austen Fight ClubAwesome mashup of Jane Austen and fight club, with original acting.

Obviously the categories are pretty idiosyncratic. But does anyone else have recs for great feminist vids?

feminism, vids

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