Jun 14, 2009 00:06
- 00:50 Housemate hottness yfrog.com/5gqcmlj #
- 02:31 home via mcdonalds and a dodgy cab driver skipping the rank. have to be up in five hours for work #
- 12:40 Surprised at my lack of hangover this morning. Sticking to the vodka redbulls seems to have worked a treat. Oh and the sky sambucca shots #
- 13:58 @ erilii I think you should defer next semester and come to the Uk. That would be tops #
- 22:18 www.thisisoz.com.au/ #
- 23:32 i am having the worst cramps ever. i jinxed myself after saying to charlie that i don't normally suffer much at that time of the month #