...However, if you live outside of the United States, you probably don't care because all the holdovers from last season have already aired in your country.
This includes, as of this past week, "Mayhem of the Music Meister," which is the musical episode featuring Neil Patrick Harris as the aforementioned Music Meister, who is sort of a combination of various music-themed villains such as the Fiddler and the Pied Piper. Only, y'know, with singing instead of fiddles or pipes. And no rats either.
Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, the episode has been posted to YouTube, though considering it still hasn't aired in the U.S. and Warner Brothers has already pulled the plug on one set, how long they remain up is questionable.
...So hurry up and watch them already!
Seriously, I'm warning you. These songs will burrow into your brain and NEVER LEAVE. If you thought getting Rickrolled was bad, this could be a thousand times worse. And better.
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This episode was without a doubt, one of their best. I can't wait to see what they do in the next season.