No, Dad, I did not preestablish an escape route from going to audition. Now I realize that this should have been handled differently, but I didn't know that until about five minutes ago. Chill! I also know that this could have been entirely avoided. Don't drum it in! I UNDERSTAND, FOR HECK SAKE!
And don't act like I never listen to you, because I do. But the key term is "listen". It means I take what you say and I consider what I'm going to do, applying what you said to it. It doesn't mean that I always must do it your way as a prerequisite for me to have been listening. And let's face it: I know I'm not right all the time, but neither are you. Homecoming? When you said that I would have the worst of times because you ASSUMED I asked Danielle only because nobody else would AND that she was desperate to be asked? I couldn't get a word in edgewise to tell you that I DID IT BECAUSE I WANTED TO DO IT! Not because I knew she was desperate (she wasn't), or because nobody else would, but because I WANTED TO. And then you went and tried to discourage me from keeping it simply because "you know girls who are prettier". HELLO. I AM NOT SHALLOW. And I'm not trying to pair off, either. No, I don't give a flying crap about bust size or anything like that. Heck, IT'S NOT EVEN MY INTENTION TO DATE! Good grief, what do you think I am, a horny predator who'll go for anything that remotely seems female?!
That aside, I know it certainly looks like I consciously think I know better than you, but I assure you, anything like that occurs in me only in the subconscious. I repeat, the subconscious. I do not intend to act like that, but now that you brought it to my attention, I can consciously do something about it. But please don't act like I'm fully aware of it, especially when I'm bewildered by your bringing it up. If you know me well enough, you'll know that I can't fake being confused at all. That is, if you bothered trying to know me. The way I feel right now, it's as if you're just talking at me and assuming that I understand everything you say.
Notice how I've been gone a lot lately? It's because I really think I need to escape from family life at least once in a short while. These short whiles have been getting shorter lately. I understand that you need to be there for me to be mentally healthy, but could you PLEASE lighten up FOR FREAKING ONCE?! I can attribute at least 65% of my recent stress to things you've told me or stuff like that (i.e. homecoming). Couple that on with normal stress, it's actually high enough that it almost isn't healthy.
That being said, I think it's time for me to go friends-only. I don't really want just anyone being able to read this anymore. I'd better remove my login info from downstairs, too.