Dannie and me, talking about an RP (
MageOfAngst (23:26:01): Tohma, Mireille, Madlax, Makoto, and I might leave a spot open for Nadi or Ellis once El Cazador gets through its run
CherryRainbow2 (23:26:08): ^_^
CherryRainbow2 (23:26:16): I may do Nanami later
MageOfAngst (23:26:36): if I didn't leave it open, I would put in Kouki or Touya
MageOfAngst (23:26:45): and when I said Makoto, I meant Minako
CherryRainbow2 (23:26:50): LOL
CherryRainbow2 (23:26:52): somehow, I knew that
MageOfAngst (23:26:55): XDDDDD
MageOfAngst (23:27:15): Setsuna is and always will be my favorite, but I have a hard time playing her
CherryRainbow2 (23:27:19): >.<
CherryRainbow2 (23:27:28): I could never play a chara from SM
MageOfAngst (23:27:38): because she's not very social at all
CherryRainbow2 (23:27:43): Ruki's not bitchy enough from Tamers
MageOfAngst (23:27:55): ah
CherryRainbow2 (23:27:56): but if I played her pre-digital world....
MageOfAngst (23:28:01): hm...
CherryRainbow2 (23:28:08): she's one hell of a 10 year old bitch
MageOfAngst (23:28:13): XDDDDD
CherryRainbow2 (23:28:30): but it would have to be at the beginning of the series
MageOfAngst (23:28:37): yeah
MageOfAngst (23:28:37): Kouki might be interesting if he were pre-BioHybrid
CherryRainbow2 (23:28:40): and that would mean like...little chara development and the would suck
MageOfAngst (23:28:47): >_<
CherryRainbow2 (23:28:51): pre-biohybrid, there are only rumors
CherryRainbow2 (23:29:01): Nanami would be easy
CherryRainbow2 (23:29:15): because she was a bored genius before she met Kurata
MageOfAngst (23:29:20): yeah
MageOfAngst (23:29:25): I don't think Kouki would be much different beforehand
CherryRainbow2 (23:29:31): but I want her to know Tohma
MageOfAngst (23:29:37): yeah
CherryRainbow2 (23:29:42): so post bio-hybrid
CherryRainbow2 (23:30:09): then she could play with him....Tohma-hakase~
MageOfAngst (23:30:13): lol
MageOfAngst (23:30:36): if I play Kouki, I would probably make him post-hybrid if you played Nanami
CherryRainbow2 (23:30:43): yeah
MageOfAngst (23:31:12): I might go ahead and play Kouki and then drop him if I end up wanting to play Ellis or Nadi
CherryRainbow2 (23:31:16): but Nanami and Kouki really didn't have a relationship of any kind....so they would act like aquatences....(dannie spell*
CherryRainbow2 (23:31:18): fjkdshfkadsj
CherryRainbow2 (23:31:19): dklfjas
MageOfAngst (23:31:20): yeah
MageOfAngst (23:31:27): do they even really interact?
CherryRainbow2 (23:31:31): no
CherryRainbow2 (23:31:38): it was Nanami and Ivan
MageOfAngst (23:31:40): yeah
CherryRainbow2 (23:31:50): Kouki just wanted to beat the shit out of Masaru XD
MageOfAngst (23:32:01): Ivan: Yoshino...<3
Nanami: We can all hear you.
MageOfAngst (23:32:03): XDDD yeah
CherryRainbow2 (23:32:07): yeah
CherryRainbow2 (23:32:28): but Nanami will wait
CherryRainbow2 (23:32:39): I want to get Chika settled in before I app as another chara
MageOfAngst (23:32:46): ah, yeah
CherryRainbow2 (23:33:01): because I love her chara to death ~kwaa~
MageOfAngst (23:33:06): ^_^
CherryRainbow2 (23:33:27): then Nanami can come in, and it will be a very demented love triangle
MageOfAngst (23:33:34): yup
CherryRainbow2 (23:33:41): then Nanami and Chika become a couple and Tohma goes WTF?
MageOfAngst (23:33:49): XDDDDDDDDDDD!!!
MageOfAngst (23:34:03): it's not really that funny, but I am SO blogging this.