Title: Marry Me a Little
noscrubs12345awdt Christmas Quickie #6: silk
Word Count: 228
Rating: G
Summary: A Christmas proposal.
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by Russell T Davies and the BBC. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended and no money is being made.
Notes: Also fits
100_colours prompt 27--cream.
“So,” Jack said, taking Ianto’s hand in his as they leaned against the bonnet of the SUV, “that’s another disaster diverted no thanks to the Doctor.”
Ianto sighed, squeezing Jack’s hand before leaning into his warmth. “Why does the world always come to an end on Christmas?”
“Because the Doctor has horrible luck,” Jack said with a laugh, letting go of Ianto’s hand to wrap his arms around his shoulders. He pressed a kiss to his temple and added, “By the way, I have something I want to give you. That is, if you’ll have it.”
“Jack, I’m not having sex with you in the SUV again,” Ianto deadpanned, frowning slightly.
Jack chuckled and kissed him, feeling Ianto’s smile against his lips. “Maybe later,” he said with a wink and reached into his pocket.
“Jack,” Ianto said, inhaling sharply as he pulled out a small, black velvet box. “Is that what I think it is?”
Jack smiled softly, pressing a tender to kiss to Ianto’s lips, and opened the box. Inside, nestled in the cream coloured silk lining, were two gold rings. He slipped his arm around Ianto’s waist, pulling him close. “Marry me?” he whispered, lips and warm breath brushing against the shell of Ianto’s ear causing him to shiver.
“Yes,” Ianto said, voice thick, and turned to look into Jack’s eyes. “Yes, of course I will.”