If you're looking for me.

Aug 15, 2005 03:55

You better check under the sea. Which is actually 'C'. Which stands for Crap. Which is what I am sick of.

Note: I am sick of crap. But am not calling 'SeaLab 2021' crap. It's really not that confusing. I'm just sick of stupid shit that fills my life.

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Comments 2

requiemofadove August 16 2005, 15:03:01 UTC
To qoute a very famous lady, "this shit is bananas."

You just have to remember that all life is filled with is a goo. A stupid-shit goo, if you will. With that said, your being real vague. And how do you escape stupid shit by watching SeaLab 2021?


requiemofadove August 16 2005, 18:22:40 UTC
B/c Sealab is mindnumbing. Which is good.


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