I do! My subconscious will not let me let go of things. I have more dreams of my fucking ex fiancé then I like. I guess he hurt me more then I thought...
I tooootally understand. Even though I am outwardly "meh" in the whole area of my ex, I still have dreams that involve her. Usually they are about me trying to leave.
I'm sorry babe, I ocasionally have dreams about my ex, did the other day. Never fun. Especially since usually my dreams about him involve him trying to hurt me. Ocasionally I am dreaming about David, but he LOOKS like the ex, that always freaks me out.
I'm sorry to hear you even had to deal with something like that. It is always hard to completely let go of ::hugs::
Comments 5
Even though I am outwardly "meh" in the whole area of my ex, I still have dreams that involve her. Usually they are about me trying to leave.
I'm sorry to hear you even had to deal with something like that. It is always hard to completely let go of ::hugs::
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