starring magneto and some other people

Dec 19, 2016 21:40

Oh, yeah, I do have some X-Men: Apocalypse thoughts after all.

- This film seems to think Magneto is a) redeemable and indeed b) only likely to go back to killing if the state police kill his entire family in front of him. I broadly agree with this though so it's okay. Like I feel kind of weird for always siding with the villain, but Magneto - to me - is someone who survived an attempted genocide and is unable ever again to view humanity from an optimistic perspective. He is convinced that they came for the Jews and next they'll come for the Mutants, and okay I only see the films not the comics, but isn't the plot of every X-Mans film basically "and now they are coming for the Mutants"? What I'm saying is, he's right. Magneto is always right about that. Charles Xavier has a positive view of humanity but from what I remember he had a pretty idyllic childhood and a ton of money and now he lives in a massive house with a big brain thing where he can spy on everyone. So Charles is like "Humans are great, they will love you and throw money at you" because that's what he grew up with. So he can go into anyone's head but he can never appreciate how much the world fucked up Erik's. (That's probably ironic, I kind of like that actually.)

- Wolverine inevitably appeared, but we did think it would have been funnier if you never actually saw his face and they'd just used a far-cheaper actor in his place. I assume he is the most popular, given that he's in all of these films and the only X-Person to get even one film of his own let alone two.

- Storm being Arabic was a nice surprise, seeing as how you only ever meet that culture in films when there's people being terrorists about it. (Have you ever seen Reel Bad Arabs? It's a bit depressing but worth seeing.)

- Shamingly I have seen all these films but I have literally no memory of that CIA woman who has no memory. Speaking of which idk if it's that I come here from Doctor Who fandom, but it would have been nice if she had gone for the balls when he admitted having mindwiped her For Her Own Good. Fuck you, Charles.

- Actually my entire memory of the last film is a bit poor. I couldn't remember why Mystique ended up as the hero and whether all that Peter Dinkelage stuff was the most recent film or not. How many have there been? Could Charles walk in the last one? Why have they blurred together in my head like lesser M*A*S*H episodes?

- I expect critics were unkind about the film doing the same time-slowing thing that happened in the previous film (was that the previous one?) but it was pretty cool so I didn't mind.

- Relatedly, kind of glad it didn't end with tearful declarations and "well it's okay that your family died because I too have some of your genes and that will cure you of your rage." Not that it had to go that way, but it's Hollywood and it tends to suck at those things.

- That woman with the lightsabre hands was a bit rubbish, but she may well return for vengeance. I expect she was someone amazing from comics or whatnot.

- I had to keep asking kbk who various characters were and whether I was supposed to recognise them. You know how when 'The Husbands of River Song' happened and you were like "this is lovely but how much of the audience remembers an episode from 2008 and would this work without that knowledge"? It was like that.

- Sadly there was no character named "Knife-Wings" even though that would have been a great name for the one with the knife wings.

- What am I supposed to take from it being about a false god and also the only film where I can remember Magneto directly addressing a Higher Power? Nightwing (is that his name? the blue one) prayed but I think he did that before. Maybe it was going for Magneto works for the baddy because the baddy is a bit like the god who let him down but that doesn't really make sense. Maybe it doesn't mean anything. Maybe I'm just reading meaning into nonsense. Again.

- But srsly they might want to look into Magneto not being right all the time if he's the baddy. Though now he's like... ambiguously good, I think? He and Charles are still not married though :( OLD MAN OTP.

- ALSO I am interested in seeing what a next film would do when this one must have killed off at least literally a billion people. Not just the "how exactly did civilisation survive that?" question, but also in terms of the audience allegedly caring less when the fictional world is less like ours. Or maybe they'll just handwave all that like it never happened?

And then there was one of those Extra Scenes At The End which meant almost nothing to me but it was nice to see the cleaning staff getting some screentime for once.

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magneto is the best, films

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