Disappointing lack of Thatcher-hate in that Sherlock episode. Maybe they are all Tories, but
even they know that a lot of people still hate her, so it was odd that it wasn't mentioned or maybe it was but I had gone to the loo at that point?
Knew it was that Vivienne woman, possibly because "it's the secretary" happened at least once over on Elementary. I would ship those two shows if they didn't... well, no, AFAIK the Sherlock people have slagged off Elementary and the other lot have been professionally silent about it and flirted with the Sleepy Hollow writers instead. So yeah. But I would ship it if I could.
I haven't seen this since Moriarty killed himself, so have no idea if Sherlock was being OOC or on drugs or if all this has been unfolded over time which I assume is what happened. Mary was good and did mean that at least one of the Watson family wasn't a useless doormat. But then she died, which is always disappoint but I suppose nobody ever lets a Watson stay married other than to a Holmes obvs. I bet the most annoying bits of the fandom were really happy that she died. Personally I would have fridged John instead if I had to kill one of them, but we know I am not his fan anyway.
There was a dog in it as well.
Then at the end John has dumped Sherlock only I assume that will not actually last because Holmeses/Watsons OTP innit?
I shall watch the next one now because I might as well.
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