not sure which dave you are w/o a pic, but i'll add ya :] [just be sure to read my last two posts... it's friends-only and don't want to leave it in comments. :]
hello. I found your journal in a kind of round about way, but found it none the less. I do not know you in real life but I DO share living in the midwest with you and we both have fabulose names...well, name: jessie. I am adding you, if that is alright. add me back, if you feel so inclined!
i'm so sorry i haven't been active in the community---especially since there's no excuse for a post like that being up. i deleted the offending post and gave you maintainer status in case any more pop up. i'm so glad to see that people have been posting & joining. i haven't really been on lj for about 6 months [i had a soul-sucking job] so i've missed seeing the transformation of the community.
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I'm deleting 0rat very shortly but i'll check for the new name and add that to redinkk.
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