Jun 13, 2006 16:47
Here's some typing I did last night after talking to my mother. She got all religious on me (not in a terribly bad way), so I wrote about my new religion. :)
LOVE is a choice.
One can choose the path of love, or one can choose the path of fear. It makes me sad when I and others chose the path of fear over love.
I love myself. I think I am a remarkable person. I am full of love, and it makes me sad when I am not constantly giving away my love. I give it to my friends, my lovers, work, students, coworkers, family, things, strangers, concepts, life, projects, times, situations, pasts, futures, presents. I believe that it is the most powerful thing in the universe, and one with strong, pure love can accomplish what they set out to do. (Even the Bible agrees! "God is Love." "I can do all things through the power of God.")
Choosing love over fear is HARD! It is so scary, and we don't even notice how scared we are of it because we don't examine the situation closely enough to see it--we're THAT scared. We don't even SEE a CHOICE! We think, "Well anyone sane wouldn't open themselves up to the possibilities of... rejection, failure, pain, loss, confusion." But anyone who is looking out for themselves and wants to be the happiest possible would jump at the chance to increase the love in the world and in their own life. By opening up and giving love, you are only doing your future self a favor.
Love opens us up when we choose it. It gives us the opportunity to feel love (from ourselves and others and things) and joy. It makes us sensitive to the feelings of others and helps us see the magical side of life. It also makes us vulnerable to the products of non-love (fear).
When we are open, and then encounter non-love, we are often instinctually hurt and afraid, and close ourselves off from it, losing the love. However, we can choose to FORCE ourselves to stay open, to take the pain and wrap it in love, and shoot it back out at the non-love. We can choose to assault the fear that comes at us, with the righteous cotton candy of LOVE.
How do we understand the love economy? How do we get to a place where we can see the love and fear in our lives, and in the lives of others? How do we teach ourselves to look for the CHOICE, and turn on the autopilot on the path of love? It's like someone telling us that we have a third arm!
It's hard because we're starting from a closed position. We have to first have someone give us enough love to break our love threshold. (Each person's love threshold varies.) Someone has to see in us the beauty that we contained when we were created, and they have to persevere and shoot their fluffy pink love at us, surrounding us in it day and night until some of it finally seeps through the cracks of our hinged heart doors. Then the doors will be lubricated enough for us to try to open them. It is hard at first, and we can easily be discouraged because the fear is pressing the doors closed. Such high pressure! But when we have it open a crack, we can begin the LOVE EXCHANGE.
Problems arise when we open our heart doors a hair, and the first thing we encounter is FEAR! We slam our doors shut and exclaim, "I am never doing THAT again!" And we have to start over.
Sometimes a door swings open for a moment, and we don't notice. Often our consciousness is altered in those moments, either by chemicals or our own bodies. It's okay to start there if you find that helps to get the Love moving!
If I throw some love at you, and you catch it in your open pool of squishy love-stuff, you can coat it with your own love and then throw it back. Then I'll dip it in the syrupy passion that I have for you, or Christmas trees, or puppies, and I'll roll it over to you again. Each time we pass it, it gets bigger (like a Katamari), and each time it comes back to us, it feels even better! Eventually, it's big enough to bridge the distance between us and we are connected by a huge, delicious ball of love. With a strawberry on top.