[Spy has failed as a member of RED, as a Spy, as a member of society in general. He's feeling worthless and humble and miserable and in an effort to both cheer himself up and make amends to everyone he's ever wronged he has made muffins for the residents of Paradise. That means you BLU Sniper, RED Spy, RED Sniper and anyone else he happens to cross
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Somehow, he wasn't surprised to find Spy there instead when he rounded the corner. That made sense, too.]
Been busy, I see.
Oh hello. I have made you some muffins. To apologize for my foul behavior.
[He gestured to the counter.]
I did not know what you enjoyed so I made several.
[He raised an eyebrow. It wasn't unusual for Spy to want to cook, nor was it a surprise he'd made Sniper food; however, the foul behavior was new, unless he meant something years back.]
What for, again?
For being a terrible Spy and a poor teammate. I zhought perhaps I could start to make amends.
[And that was as close to complimenting Spy as RED got.]
[He hesitated a bit unsure now.]
I zhink.
[Well now that he really thinks about it he's not sure exactly why he's feeling like this. But that's beside the point. The point is that Sniper has denied his muffins and Spy looks on the verge of crying.]
Do you not want any zhen?
I didn't say that, mate. Let's have one.
[Deep inside he knew that Sniper was just humoring him. He didn't really want anything from the Spy. Nothing he did was worth anything anyway.]
Zhose ones are cranberry and zhose are pumpkin spice. Zhese will be blueberry but zhey will not be ready for a while.
S'good, mate. Ya do know how to cook.
Zhank you.
[He poured the muffin tin full of batter and slid it into the oven, silently settling back to wait for it to finish cooking.]
I'll bite. What's wrong?
[Instead of elaborating or throwing himself over Sniper for attention he just falls silent and stares intently down at the ground. He is not enjoying this feeling at all.]
[He takes the muffins out, scruitinizing then for doneness, then sets the tray on the counter to let them cool.]
I am not sure what ees wrong. I have felt strange for several days. Zhe ozzer Spy, zhe -- zhe better Spy, he ees feeling eet too.
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