Jan 24, 2010 20:09
[So after the whole thing with his shadow, he and Neil had arranged a date and time to meet. Neil had seemed pretty intent on not having anyone know he was back in Ireland if possible, and they'd ended up finding a park that Lyle knew would be more or less empty to meet in.
He wondered whether it was a bad thing or not that he wasn't as surprised as he ought to have been about Neil being so secretive. What with the lack of a return address on everything that had been sent, the sudden and abrupt end to what little contact they'd still had, and the bits and pieces that had filtered out through the community - Michael and Nena, for instance, not to mention something that Tieria had let slip - had only really confirmed his nagging suspicion that there was something fishy going on. So he'd kept quiet and nodded and if Neil thought that was strange, he hadn't mentioned it.
So there they were and here he was, standing leaning on the back of a park bench on a cold cloudy day in January, nursing a cigarette and trying not to feel too nervous about actually properly meeting his only remaining family member for the first time in years.]
mr. dot dot dot,
lyle is getting to the bottom of this,
*game: ddd,
my crazy twin,
my life: stranger than fiction