(no subject)

Jan 23, 2010 23:50

Who: Robin and Marian
What: The young friends have had a falling-out, which Marian is stubbornly refusing to resolve
Where: Knighton Hall
When: November, 1185 (Robin is eighteen, and Marian is fourteen)
Note: Co-authored with robin_hood49  this is Marian POV of the event that has already been posted on Robin's journal.

"It is meant to be special, for your wife!"

"You should not be talking of such things."

The words echoed in her mind as she turned her back on him and got further and further away from him. She had told him that she knew; had heard the local gossip about the Lord of Locksley’s trips to Nottingham. And it had broken her heart. Of course she had no reason to be upset or hurt by such things but she was. He was just a friend, so she told herself often, and she had no control over what he done with the maids and whoever else. And yet she felt so angry and betrayed because of his actions.

She walked straight into Knighton Hall, slamming the door and not once caring about her father’s shout. Storming up the stairs, she slammed that door shut too before climbing onto her bed with her legs and arms folded. How could he do that to her? She frowned at that thought, looking out at the window. Yes she had begun to notice that Robin was no boy anymore, her own growth making at her look at him in a different light. But did she feel something else other than friendship for him? After all, it seemed as if that was the reason why she was so angry with him.

That was when she heard it. The scuffling outside her window that she had heard so many times before. How dare he just assume he could come into her bedroom in such a way after what he had done?! If he wanted to speak with her he could go to the door and request to speak with her and then she would decline straight away. She was not in the mood to talk to him right now. When she saw his mop of hair starting to emerge she began to glare, knowing he would notice that she still was far from happy with him right now. Soon he was sitting on the windowsill, a tart being presented to her. Was he going to try and bribe her or something?

"Come on, Marian. Come for a ride with me,” he said with that smile of his, the smile that usually made her say yes. But there was no way she was giving in this time.

"I don't want your stupid horse."

"He needs a carrot... and look what I've brought."

She watched as he pulled out a carrot as if it was some grand trick. She was far from impressed. She wasn’t a young child anymore who could easily be amused by such antics.
"Go give him the carrot, then,” she said, still clearly unimpressed. Did he really think it would be that easy?

"But, it tastes so much sweeter from your hand."

She had to do everything in her power not to roll her eyes at that. He should know by now that ridiculous flattery would not work if she was this angry with him. She didn’t fall for it as easily as other girls did.

She sat up straighter, her glare getting more intense. "Well, I apologise to your horse, but he'll just have to deal with your crummy hands."

"He's going to sulk now, you know. You'll hurt his feelings."

This time she did roll her eyes. He really did not understand that she just did not want to see him at the moment. "Well, he can blame his pig of a master."

There. That was kinder than he deserved and yet got across how she felt about him at the moment rather perfectly. She knew it would probably anger him but she didn’t care. He hurt her feelings so why should she be so nice to him?

"Pig? I'll have you know this sweet was supposed to be my dessert!"

And he really thought that would change her mind? "Then, go eat it; I don't want it! Not if it has anything to do with you and your...sinfulness."

With that she turned on the bed, her back now facing him. She didn’t want to look at him, couldn’t look at him. Not when he was getting her so angry and only seemed to be focused on sweetening her up. Well it wasn’t going to work.

"I cannot eat it now. I've offered it to you. And what does it have to do with my 'sinfulness'? Anyway, Lords Lincoln and Salsbury are far worse than I."
Well if he couldn’t eat it now that was his problem. He could just give it away to someone else who wanted it. Like he already had with something far more precious. She certainly did not want it. Not now.

"Well, I expected better from you. You're not meant to be like the rest!” she told him, her back remaining straight. It hurt her; she really thought he wasn’t like all the other boys around here. That he was far more respectable.

"I'm only human, Marian! I try. And I'm sorry you're upset with me," he replied after a moment.

"I still thought you would wait."

Her voice was quiet and she was surprised if he could hear her. This really was hurting her much more than it should. And yet she couldn’t stop how she felt. She closed her eyes for a moment before opening them when she heard him speak.

"I am really not comfortable discussing this with you, Marian. You should not know about these things."

"Why not?" she asked, her voice low and challenging.

"...Well, because you are a lady,” was his only response. Could he not think of a better reason than that?

“So, because I am a lady, I should not know about this? What about the women you... have done things like that with?" It was a valid point, she knew that. The women who he had been with, did they deserve to know of such things?

"They are not ladies. Except for the widows," he replied, his voice suddenly a little lighter as if something amused him.

She turned her head to look at him, shock written over her face for a moment before her stare became harsh once again. "Just go."

"Look, this way, things will be better for my wife, when I have one."

He was honestly using that as an argument?! As if his future wife would be thankful that he had this experience. "How will things be better for your wife?"

"Can we please drop this?" he asked, clearly wanting far away from the subject.

She kept glaring at him but did not speak a word. She didn’t want to waste words on him now when he didn’t seem to even care anymore. Then he was doing that face. That little-boy-lost face that he occasionally would turn on her if she was angry at him. But she wouldn’t let it work this time. Only he didn’t give up, only choose to let his pout become even more noticeable.

"Stop it."

"Stop what?" he asked with innocence.

"That face."

"It's my face. How can I stop my face?"

She wanted to roll her eyes and look away, but tried to restrain herself. "I mean that...pouting."

"I'm pouting? I did not intend to."

That time her eyes did roll. "Just...go pout somewhere else."

"I would be in no danger of pouting if you would just come for a ride with me," he reminded her.

"I don't want to."

"I gave Essoin's tail an extra brushing, just for you. He'll be so disappointed if you do not come admire him."

Her eyes quickly glanced at him before looking to the floor. “"He can blame you."

"He will not understand."

"I still do not like you,” she said as she looked at him once again only to look away at the look on his face.

"But you like my horse, and you would not wish to hurt his feelings. At least come admire him, and then I will leave."

"Maybe later,” she said with as little emotion as possible.

"We do not have much time."

She tensed again and turned her head to face the wall again so her back was the only thing he could see of her.

"And why don't we? Do you have someone waiting for you?"


"Oh, of course,” she said sarcastically, not believing a word of it.

"Truly. I have to be home for supper tonight."

"On you go, then,” she said with a dismissive wave of her hand over her shoulder.

"If I go now, I will be too early."

"Better early than late,” she told him, still not looking at him.

"Please, Marian," he spoke so quietly she thought she had imagined it.


"Please, come for a ride with me. Or a walk. Something," he begged.

She looked over her shoulder at him for a moment, as if she was checking that he wasn’t just asking her in such a tone to make her give in. Once she was satisfied that he really was that desperate, she nodded. "Fine."

He gave her a little smile before holding the tart out to her, as if it was some sort of peace offering. "Thank you."

She shook her head. "You have it."

"Split it with me?"

“Fine,” she said with a sigh.

She was rewarded with a huge grin from him, one of the grins that she usually found it hard to ignore. Usually she would find it contagious but not just now. She didn’t feel like grinning just yet. Slowly, she stood before walking over to sit on the other side of the window ledge.

"Thank you," she said as she accepted the offering, noting that he had given her the larger piece.

"Thank you."


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